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How love of art and technology converge for DATA senior

Art is universal. It’s a language we all have the ability to speak and appreciate. Delanie Parker is fluent in design. Her desire to expand her skill set and learn from the best drew her to the Design and Technology Academy (DATA) at Roosevelt High School.

“I was living in Germany at the time, and I was looking at schools I could attend in San Antonio,” said Parker. “I’ve always wanted to go to a program that focused on art. My mother saw the art animation program they have at DATA and that’s what drew me in.”

Delanie’s dad is in the military. She moved to Germany when she was eight and lived there until she was 15. Starting a new school in the same city is hard enough, but moving across the world to start over wasn’t easy. But Delanie quickly found like-minded, art-infused classmates and teachers who challenged her to become the artist she was meant to be.

Inspiration is everywhere at DATA. Delanie felt it every time she stepped into Devin Gee’s 3D Art and Animation class.

“All the teachers were very encouraging, but Mr. Gee taught the ropes of an actual industry for animation. He ran his class like how it would be at a real job.”

Stretching yourself as an artist, designer or coder is part of the process and DATA gives its students the opportunity to try everything.

“My goal is to try as many mediums as I can, so I’ve tried graphic design, 3D animation, 2D animation, physical art, canvas, sculpture, all of that,” said Parker. “I love DATA because we all love technology, but we all have different interests. I’m more art-based and a lot of my friends are more computer science-based. It’s very interesting being friends with people who have similar but different interests.”

Delanie has big plans to attend the University of North Texas in Denton this fall. She’s still weighing her options, but whatever career path she chooses, she’ll carry her love of art with her wherever she goes.

Congratulations, Delanie, and good luck!

Posted by Lila Stanley
Posted on 5-28-21