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Special delivery to local fire station brings big smiles

Even as the holidays quickly approach, the work continues for our local first responders.

“We’re working weekends and we’re working holidays. If that’s when our shift falls then that’s when we come to work,” Jeff Mahan said.

Mahan is a firefighter and paramedic with San Antonio Fire Department’s Station #46.

He’s been a first responder in the city for 25 years and said it’s a rewarding career that he would not trade for the world.

“A lot of the guys spend so much time together that this is their second family. It’s as important to have this life and a good bond here as at your own home,” Mahan explained.

With that in mind, students from North East ISD’s Bush Middle School decided to make that second home a bit more special by delivering them over 150 hand-written thank you cards.

“Happy holidays and thank you for protecting us even through this pandemic. I cannot express enough gratitude for your service to our community. On behalf of all Bush students, thank you and happy holidays,” 8th grader Emily Fuller read from one card.

Students, teachers and even school mascots surprised the firefighters with cheers, banners, and even a check for a $100 gift card to HEB.    

“I think it’s really important especially around these times to give thanks to those who are working for us and serving. We just really wanted to do something special for them,” 8th grader Ava Aceves explained.

It was their small way of saying thank you to the first responders who do so much for others every single day.

“I think it’s important to put a face to Bush and to know that we’re right behind them every step of the way. I hope that they know that we appreciate them and they have our support,” teacher and NJHS sponsor Kristen Aceves added.

Mahan said Station #46 certainly felt the love and they hope the students continue to spread that kindness wherever they go.  

“It’s absolutely rewarding to do something for your fellow man. When we see our people that call us, it’s usually on their worst day or something is so bad that they need help. As a first responder, it never gets old to hear thank you from the folks that are in our area. We work hard to make them feel comfortable and safe and that thank you really goes a long way,” he said.

Because #NEISDcares!

Ashley Speller