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NEISD counselors more accessible than ever with new virtual resources

“With such a high need, we have to be accessible to our students. We’re trying to remind them that they need to take care of themselves, now more than ever.” 

North East ISD counselors have adapted to the changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic in stride. Melissa Mendoza knows this better than most. She is one of the many counselors who have worked tirelessly over the past few months to establish a virtual connection with the students at Roosevelt High School.  

Moving into the 2020-2021 school year, Mendoza and her team continue to expand their digital resources. One of those is a new addition in the Skyward Student Portal that allows students to request a meeting with their counselor with the click of a button. With more than 300 students under her charge, Mendoza believes this small update will further strengthen the lines of communication.

“This year, we know there have to be some changes to the way we do things,” said Mendoza. “Our kids know that we’re here for them. They’re confident in the fact that we’re able to help them through their crisis situation or academic issues. They know how to reach us.”

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) remains a top priority for NEISD counselors. Mendoza is holding daily online check-in sessions with her students so they can talk about how they’re feeling with her, or their peers. Counselors are also creating their own Google Classroom page to house updates, announcements and guidance lessons. The resources are there to help educate students about stress management, healthy ways to decompress and the differences between healthy and toxic stress. 

As students start the school year at home, Mendoza wants them to know they’re not alone.  

“Communicate, reach out, talk to someone,” said Mendoza. “I know it seems like you’re alone at home, but reach out to someone and communicate what you are going through. Everyone is going through this, and there are people out there who can help you. You are not alone.”

Click here to visit the Roosevelt counseling page

NEISD counselors more accessible than ever with new virtual resources

Posted by Lila Stanley
Posted on 8-19-20