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Council Reflections Awards Ceremony

North East Council of PTAs recognized 113 NEISD students at the Council Reflections Awards Ceremony at Krueger Middle School on March 6. These students entered the PTA Reflections Program at their local campuses, were selected as the top entries at their schools, and were advanced to Council PTA Reflections. 

Reflections is a National PTA art recognition program. It is one of the oldest and largest nationwide programs of its kind with more than 200,000 students participating annually. The program encourages arts in education through our local PTAs, encouraging students to express themselves artistically in the areas of dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. With positive recognition as the focus of this program, students of all ages and abilities can experience the benefits of creative expression, finding their own voice, and telling their story. 

The entries submitted to Council PTA were judged, and the students honored at this ceremony were selected for a Council Reflections award. In addition, one student from each age and arts category was selected to advance to Texas PTA Reflections. Those students received the Council Overall Award of Excellence, and several of them performed or had their piece showcased at the ceremony. It was an entertaining evening for the students, parents, volunteers, and district employees in attendance. The evening ended with refreshments and photo opportunities for the student artists. 

Mrs. Julie Shore, Executive Director of Fine Arts, and Dr. Donna Newman, Associate Superintendent for Instruction and Campus Administration, helped celebrate these students. North East Council of PTAs appreciates Krueger Middle School for welcoming PTA and this awards ceremony to their campus. A special thanks goes to Dr. Stephen Watson, KSAT Magnet Director, for facilitating this program and being on hand for the evening.

Students, teachers, and PTAs, you can start thinking about Reflections for next year. The 2019-20 Reflections theme is “Look Within.” This is a great summer project or back to school assignment!

Dance Choreography - Addie Weaver from Driscoll Middle School. “Rise Up” 

Literature - Bridget Click from Vineyard Ranch Elementary, “Heroes Around Me.”

Film Production - Camdyn Wallis from Encino Park Elementary, “The Camy Show.” 

Literature - Theresa Radinsky from Lopez Middle School. “My Mom.” 

Film Production - Daniel Campos from Roosevelt High School. “Black & White.”

Music Composition - Taylor Barnes from Hardy Oak “Family.”  

Literature - Elie Zinsmeister from MacArthur High School, “Hero in the Seat.”

Visual Arts showcased – 

Tena Francis from Cibolo Green “Heroes Are Everywhere”

Lance Hildebrand from Northwood “The Ultimate Sacrifice”

Autumn Howard, Krueger, “Luminary”

Julia Gignac, Churchill, “The Protester” 

Photography showcased – 

Bethany Aguilar, Roan Forest, “Thank You for Your Service Grandpa”

Bronson Grant, Hardy Oak, “Little Green Hero”

Kelly Schwabe, Nimitz, “Heroes Around Me” (self-portrait)

Carmen Centeno, Roosevelt, “The Drive Home”

student video