BOY 2022-2023 Aware Updates
Welcome back NEISD! Please view for BOY updates and announcements.Aware Online Testing Resources
Aware Online Testing One Stop Shop
Find the resource you need for any step in the process of online testing.**Elementary DEUAs & Secondary CFAs**
Sample District (Unit Assessments - Elementary (3-5) & CFAs for Secondary (All Content Areas) will continue to be provided in Eduphoria Aware and in Stage 2 of the IPGs. Collaborative teams should review and unpack these assessments thoroughly prior to starting a unit.
The benefits of using district created unit assessments is that the items are vetted, aligned to the Power Standards, text-to-speech formatted, include content clarifiers, and STAAR 2.0 ready.
Campuses must choose to:
- administer any district sample assessment as is,
- request a copy of the assessment to modify and administer, or
- create their own assessment for their essential standards.
*Requesting a Copy of Unit Assessments or CFA*
For teams who choose to request a copy of district assessments, each team member (including SPED and EB/EL teachers) will be given limited Campus Admin access which will allow them to create, edit, assign, and/or delete campus level assessments. Teams may request this access then they submit the form or principals may update Aware Roles and Rights page at the bottom of their principal data review website.
So you requested a copy... Now What? (pdf help file)
Everything You Could Ever Want to Know About District Level Assessments
Click here for different instructions and visuals for teachers, test proctors, and instructional leaders.