NEISD High School Course Descriptions
The following section provides general descriptions for high school courses offered in the North East Independent School District.
For each course, you will find:
- Course Title
- Course Description
- NEISD Course Number
- Credits indicates the maximum number of credits earned when the course is successfully completed.
- Term indicates if the course is available for the full year or only for a semester.
- Grade Placement (referred to as Grades Plc.) is the recommendation that offers the greatest possibility for student success. Grade placement refers to a student’s “cohort”, which is the group of students who entered the ninth
grade in the same year. Students within the same cohort will all follow the same rules regarding allowable course choices and course sequencing - Prerequisites reflect program, local, and state requirements as well as program, local and state recommendations.
- Special Notes indicate additional information about the course.
Course offerings and course sequences for magnet programs are unique and may differ from those offered at traditional high schools.
Please contact your home campus Counseling Office for the individual Course Selection Sheet.
Page Navigation
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- Graduation Programs and Requirements
- Endorsement Pathways
- College and Career Readiness
- NEISD Rank in Class Policy
- Grade Level Classifications
- Senior Early Release Class Guidelines and Procedures for Students
Course Description: Students will be introduced to the logical argumentation that takes place in policy-making and value assessment. The student will analyze a specific topic question research to find evidence and develop affirmative and negative case positions.
Course No. 5820
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Advanced debate theory and practice will be the focus of the course refining the student's skills in analysis research organization synthesis evaluation and speaking. Co-curricular involvement in speech activities and contests is an integral requirement of this course.
Course No. 5825
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Instructor Approval Debate I
Special Notes: Students who successfully complete this course also earn Public Speaking II credit.
Course Description: Advanced debate theory and practice will be the focus of the course refining the student's skills in analysis research organization synthesis evaluation and speaking. Depth and breadth of study will be expanded so as to require the student to carry out individualized assignments which will enhance and enlarge the opportunities for higher-level thinking and problem-solving. Co-curricular involvement in speech activities and contests is an integral requirement of the course.
Course No. 5827
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: B Average in Previous English Courses and Instructor Approval Debate II
Special Notes: Students who successfully complete this course also earn Public Speaking III credit.
Course Description: This course allows the student to determine a special project in speech communications study that requires the use of research skills in addressing a specific problem/issue/question/topic. The student is required to establish a project proposal and then work through the proposal and present written and/or oral defensive/explanation. The policy can deal with a political social or literary question.
Course No. 5829
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: This course is designed for the student who wishes to enjoy literature by making it come alive through performance. Short selections of prose poetry and drama will be developed for performance as the instructor works with each student on voice and body action. Areas of study will include literary selection and analysis breath control articulation projection physicalizing concentration and evaluation. Classroom as well as contest performance receive equal emphasis.
Course No. 5810
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course is designed for the student who wishes further experience in literary performance. Students on this level will continue their development of analytical and performance techniques refining and expanding specific skills through classroom and contest participation and public performance.
Course No. 5815
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: This course is designed for the student who wishes further experience in literary performance. Students on this level will continue their development of analytical and performance techniques refining and expanding specific skills through classroom and contest participation and public performance.
Course No. 5816
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: The AP English Language and Composition course (English III AP) introduces students to college-level rhetoric and writing and requires students to develop evidence-based analytic and argumentative essays that proceed through the writing process or drafts. Students evaluate, synthesize, and cite research to support their arguments. Throughout the course, students develop a personal style of writing by making appropriate grammatical choices. Additionally, students read and analyze the rhetorical e
Course No. 1314
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Prerequisites: Recommended: English II or English II Honors
Special Notes: Please see the high school website for the current summer reading list.
Course Description: This two-semester, six-credit, college-level, writing intensive sequence features a fall RHE 306 “Research & Writing” course in argumentation that situates rhetoric as an art of civic discourse, followed by the spring semester RHE 309K “Rhetoric of American Identity” featuring a series of case studies in race, gender, and ethnicity. Over the two courses, students research and analyze the various positions held in any public debate and learn to advocate their own positions effectively through a p
Course No. 1317
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Prerequisites: High school English I and High school English II
Special Notes:
Course Description: English III Gifted/Talented includes thematic units focusing on "The American Spirit" through an investigation of novels, short stories, poetry, and nonfiction. In addition to the strategies and concepts of an AP course, the accelerated curriculum combines advanced levels of study in the various genres of American literature with the study of American art and music to foster creative expression and independent research as well as mastery of content. The course equips the student with the communi
Course No. 1315
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Prerequisites: Qualification for the District's English Gifted/Talented Program Recommended: English II or English II Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The AP English Literature course (English IV AP/Dual Credit) course introduces students to college-level literary analysis. The course engages students in the close reading and critical analysis of literature to deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to support meaning. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of literature through themes and the stylistic and rhetorical devices of selected works. This course includes significant in and out of class reading and writing learning ex
Course No. 1401
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: English III or English III AP
Special Notes: Please see the high school website for the current summer reading list.
Course Description: English IV Gifted/Talented/AP/Dual Credit includes humanities-based thematic seminars focused on an investigation of novels, short stories, poetry, and nonfiction. In addition to the core strategies and concepts of an AP course, the strong humanities and philosophy content fosters creative expression and independent research as well as content mastery. The accelerated curriculum equips the student with the communication and thinking skills essential for success in social, academic (e.g., includi
Course No. 1402
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Qualification for the District's English Gifted/Talented Program English III or English III AP
Special Notes:
Course Description: English I increases and refines students' written and oral communication skills through the study of reading, writing, speaking, listening, and research. Students practice a variety of writing tasks in a variety of genres. Students plan, draft, and craft complete written compositions on a regular basis. Writers edit papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions of written English. Students read extensively in multiple genres - analyzing the works and interpreting
Course No. 1113
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: English I Gifted/Talented includes humanities-based thematic units as well as all the strategies and concepts of an Honors course. The accelerated curriculum combines advanced levels of study in the various genres of literature with the study of art and music to foster creative expression as well as content mastery. Writing requirements reflect analysis, synthesis, application, and evaluation of the concepts presented. The course equips the student with the communication and thinking skills esse
Course No. 1115
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: English I Honors covers the regular English I curriculum but emphasizes the higher-level and critical thinking skills of analysis, evaluation, and synthesis in preparation for the Advanced Placement courses. Students write longer and more challenging compositions and read more complex texts than those assigned in regular classes. A variety of projects involving individual and cooperative work will encourage creative, productive thinking and accommodates different learning styles.
Course No. 1114
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: English I Resource is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires the course and will take the applicable EOC test. In this special education resource class, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills of the English I curriculum are modified and vertically aligned to meet the individual needs of the student whose reading and writing skills are significantly below grade level.
Course No. 1015
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: English II continues to increase and refine students' written and oral communication skills, building on the reading, writing, speaking, listening, and research skills they developed in English I. Students practice a variety of writing tasks in a variety of genres. Students plan, draft, and craft complete written compositions on a regular basis. Students edit papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions of written English. Students read extensively in multiple ge
Course No. 1213
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Prerequisites: Recommended: English I
Special Notes:
Course Description: English II Gifted/Talented includes humanities-based thematic units as well as all the strategies and concepts of an Honors course. The accelerated curriculum combines advanced levels of study in the various genres of literature with the study of art and music fostering creative expression and independent research as well as content mastery. Writing requirements reflect analysis, synthesis, application, and evaluation of the concepts presented. The course equips the student with the communicatio
Course No. 1215
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Prerequisites: Qualification for the District's English Gifted/Talented Program Recommended: English I or English I Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: English II Honors provides an enriched version of the English II curriculum in preparation for Advanced Placement courses. Students work independently and collaboratively to hone critical thinking skills, especially skills involved in literary analysis. The literature studied represents diverse cultures. Reading and vocabulary skills, specifically those required for the SAT and STAAR exams, are reinforced through the literary and informational text selections. Students write papers that are of a
Course No. 1214
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Prerequisites: Recommended: English I or English I Honors
Special Notes: Please see high school website for current summer reading list.
Course Description: English II Resource is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires this course and will take the applicable EOC test. In this special education resource class, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills of the English II curriculum are modified and vertically aligned to meet the individual needs of the student whose reading and writing skills are significantly below grade level.
Course No. 1016
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: English III continues to increase and refine students' written and oral communication skills, building on the reading, writing, speaking, listening and research skills they developed in English II. Students practice a variety of writing tasks in a variety of genres. Students plan, draft, and craft complete written compositions on a regular basis. Students edit papers for clarity, engaging language, and the correct use of the conventions of written English. Students read extensively in multiple g
Course No. 1313
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Prerequisites: Recommended: English II
Special Notes:
Course Description: English III Resource for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires the course. In this special education resource class, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills of the English III curriculum are modified and vertically aligned to meet the individual needs of the student whose reading and writing skills are significantly below grade level.
Course No. 1017
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: English IV, the culminating English course for 12th grade students, builds on the reading, writing, speaking, listening, and research skills they developed in English III. The course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills including reading, writing, inquiry/research, listening, and speaking. This course equips the student with the communication skills necessary for success within college and the business world.
Course No. 1413
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Recommended: English III
Special Notes:
Course Description: English IV Resource is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires this course. In this special education resource class, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills of the English IV curriculum are modified and vertically aligned to meet the individual needs of the student whose reading and writing skills are significantly below grade level.
Course No. 1418
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: English I for Speakers of Other Languages is composed of thematic units incorporating the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills including reading/literary study, writing, inquiry and research, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing. The course equips the student with the communication and thinking skills essential for success in social, academic, and business situations. It also addresses the critical processes and features of second language acquisition and provides appropriate instructi
Course No. 1021
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: English II for Speakers of Other Languages is composed of units incorporating the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills including reading/literary study, writing, inquiry and research, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing. The course equips the student with the communication and thinking skills essential for success in social, academic, and business situations. It also addresses the critical processes and features of second language acquisition and provides appropriate instruction to en
Course No. 1022
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: This is a required course for LEP students who are concurrently enrolled in regular English IV classes and are designated seniors. Students will write in a variety of forms for various issues and purposes. They will plan, draft and complete written compositions both traditionally and electronically. Students continue to read extensively texts selected in multiple genres for a variety of purposes. Students will respond to texts verbally and in writing. Students will connect their knowledge of the
Course No. 1024
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Courses in the native country equivalent to 3 years of English or ESOL I/SOL, ESOL II/SOL, and ESOL III or non- completion of the required state assessment
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course emphasizes skill in the use of conventions of written English, the appropriate and effective application of English grammar, the reading comprehension of informational text, and the effective use of vocabulary. Students are expected to understand the recursive nature of reading and writing. Evaluation of students' own writing as well as the writing of others ensures that students completing this course are able to analyze and evaluate their writing. Practical Writing may also serve a
Course No. 1020
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Prerequisites: Courses in native country equivalent to 2 years of English or ESOL I/SOL, ESOL II/SOL, and concurrent enrollment in English III or non-completion of the required state assessment.
Special Notes:
Course Description: This is a class for speakers of other languages who are learning study skills through ESL methodologies. The student will receive individual tutoring in applying skills in subjects such as history, social studies, math, and science.
Course No. 1001
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: In this elective course students will study the various visual arts including radio, television, movies, painting, and multi-media to understand how they illustrate a message or theme. This course is analytically oriented. Students will learn broadcasting background and will examine current media trends. They will also gain "hands on" experience in media production by writing, producing, directing, and editing programs and by running cameras. This course will have a strong composition emphasis w
Course No. 1730
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for college level reading and writing intensive courses including freshmen composition and other introductory college courses. Students will learn to use critical writing and reading to develop and represent the processes and products of their critical thinking. Through critical writing and reading, writers think through ideas, problems, and issues; identify and challenge assumptions; and explore multiple ways of understanding.
Course No. 1300
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Students must have already passed all ELA STAAR/EOC exams; English III or English III AP
Special Notes: The course fulfills TSI requirements for reading and writing. Students completing the year-long course and passing with a 75 or higher are TSI exempt at Alamo Colleges and UTSA. Please check the eligible pathways document in this catalog to ensure this course fulfills the fourth-year advanced English requirements for your endorsement and pathway.
Course Description: Creative writing is for the student who enjoys writing on his own and would like to develop his creativity and increase his output. Writing is concentrated on the genres of poetry, short story, and various types of essays. The course involves keeping a journal of observations and ideas to serve as a springboard to creative invention. Students will frequently work on a one-to-one basis with the instructor to develop individual projects. Students are encouraged to participate in writing workshops
Course No. 1634
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Independent study in English is an individually designed course for high-achieving students. Activities will be individually designed for students to provide opportunities to do one or more of the following: conduct research, produce original work in print or other medium, develop an advanced skill or study in a specific area of interest.
Course No. 1525
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Independent Study/Lit Mag Production is a specifically designed course for students who desire to produce original student work in print through a literary magazine.
Course No. 1527
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Independent Study in English/MENTORSHIP is an individually designed course for high-achieving students. Students research and prepare story boards for projects which are tied to working with specific mentors in the corporate world. Oral presentation of all stages of the projects, using mixed media and advanced technology, is a key component of the course.
Course No. 1523
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Literary Genres is a course dealing with general literary skills. The student will be provided opportunities to distinguish among denotative, connotative, and figurative language. The student will work with symbolism, imagery, tone, mood, irony, and style in all genres. The student will recognize universal themes and point of view and will develop and apply criteria for evaluation of literary works. The student will work with poetry, short stories, and drama as three major genres of literature a
Course No. 1602
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: In this course, students will develop effective writing skills emphasizing the use of conventions of written English, the appropriate and effective application of English grammar, the reading comprehension of informational text, and the effective use of vocabulary. Students are expected to understand the recursive nature of reading and writing. Evaluation of students' own writing as well as the writing of others ensures that students completing this course are able to analyze and evaluate their
Course No. 1635
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course prepares students to compete in UIL competition at the district, regional and state levels.
Course No. 1529
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course prepares students to compete in UIL competition at the district, regional and state levels.
Course No. 1530
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
English for Speakers of Other Languages
Course Description: English II for Speakers of Other Languages is composed of units incorporating the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills including reading/literary study, writing, inquiry and research, listening, speaking, viewing, and representing. The course equips the student with the communication and thinking skills essential for success in social, academic, and business situations. It also addresses the critical processes and features of second language acquisition and provides appropriate instruction to en
Course No. 1022
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: This is a required course for LEP students who are concurrently enrolled in regular English IV classes and are designated seniors. Students will write in a variety of forms for various issues and purposes. They will plan, draft and complete written compositions both traditionally and electronically. Students continue to read extensively texts selected in multiple genres for a variety of purposes. Students will respond to texts verbally and in writing. Students will connect their knowledge of the
Course No. 1024
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Courses in the native country equivalent to 3 years of English or ESOL I/SOL, ESOL II/SOL, and ESOL III or non- completion of the required state assessment
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course emphasizes skill in the use of conventions of written English, the appropriate and effective application of English grammar, the reading comprehension of informational text, and the effective use of vocabulary. Students are expected to understand the recursive nature of reading and writing. Evaluation of students' own writing as well as the writing of others ensures that students completing this course are able to analyze and evaluate their writing. Practical Writing may also serve a
Course No. 1020
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Prerequisites: Courses in native country equivalent to 2 years of English or ESOL I/SOL, ESOL II/SOL, and concurrent enrollment in English III or non-completion of the required state assessment.
Special Notes:
Course Description: This is a class for speakers of other languages who are learning study skills through ESL methodologies. The student will receive individual tutoring in applying skills in subjects such as history, social studies, math, and science.
Course No. 1001
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: In this elective course students will study the various visual arts including radio, television, movies, painting, and multi-media to understand how they illustrate a message or theme. This course is analytically oriented. Students will learn broadcasting background and will examine current media trends. They will also gain "hands on" experience in media production by writing, producing, directing, and editing programs and by running cameras. This course will have a strong composition emphasis w
Course No. 1730
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
English Language Arts Elective
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for college level reading and writing intensive courses including freshmen composition and other introductory college courses. Students will learn to use critical writing and reading to develop and represent the processes and products of their critical thinking. Through critical writing and reading, writers think through ideas, problems, and issues; identify and challenge assumptions; and explore multiple ways of understanding.
Course No. 1300
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Students must have already passed all ELA STAAR/EOC exams; English III or English III AP
Special Notes: The course fulfills TSI requirements for reading and writing. Students completing the year-long course and passing with a 75 or higher are TSI exempt at Alamo Colleges and UTSA. Please check the eligible pathways document in this catalog to ensure this course fulfills the fourth-year advanced English requirements for your endorsement and pathway.
Course Description: Creative writing is for the student who enjoys writing on his own and would like to develop his creativity and increase his output. Writing is concentrated on the genres of poetry, short story, and various types of essays. The course involves keeping a journal of observations and ideas to serve as a springboard to creative invention. Students will frequently work on a one-to-one basis with the instructor to develop individual projects. Students are encouraged to participate in writing workshops
Course No. 1634
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Independent study in English is an individually designed course for high-achieving students. Activities will be individually designed for students to provide opportunities to do one or more of the following: conduct research, produce original work in print or other medium, develop an advanced skill or study in a specific area of interest.
Course No. 1525
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Independent Study/Lit Mag Production is a specifically designed course for students who desire to produce original student work in print through a literary magazine.
Course No. 1527
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Independent Study in English/MENTORSHIP is an individually designed course for high-achieving students. Students research and prepare story boards for projects which are tied to working with specific mentors in the corporate world. Oral presentation of all stages of the projects, using mixed media and advanced technology, is a key component of the course.
Course No. 1523
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Literary Genres is a course dealing with general literary skills. The student will be provided opportunities to distinguish among denotative, connotative, and figurative language. The student will work with symbolism, imagery, tone, mood, irony, and style in all genres. The student will recognize universal themes and point of view and will develop and apply criteria for evaluation of literary works. The student will work with poetry, short stories, and drama as three major genres of literature a
Course No. 1602
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: In this course, students will develop effective writing skills emphasizing the use of conventions of written English, the appropriate and effective application of English grammar, the reading comprehension of informational text, and the effective use of vocabulary. Students are expected to understand the recursive nature of reading and writing. Evaluation of students' own writing as well as the writing of others ensures that students completing this course are able to analyze and evaluate their
Course No. 1635
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course prepares students to compete in UIL competition at the district, regional and state levels.
Course No. 1529
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course prepares students to compete in UIL competition at the district, regional and state levels.
Course No. 1530
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Fine Arts
Course Description: The student will be offered opportunities to explore the vocabulary of movement and to acquire the fundamental, intermediate, and advanced skills. The student will explore motions, cheers, chants, tumbling, stunting, physical conditioning and other cheer fundamentals. The student will further develop creative expression through movement, develop an awareness of space, time and energy, and develop self-confidence and leadership skills.
Course No. 7430
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: The student will be offered opportunities to explore the vocabulary of movement and to acquire the fundamental, intermediate and advanced skills. The student will explore motions, cheers, chants, tumbling, stunting, physical conditioning and other cheer fundamentals. The student will further develop creative expression through movement, develop an awareness of space, time and energy, and develop self-confidence and leadership skills.
Course No. 7431
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: The student will be offered opportunities to explore the vocabulary of movement and to acquire the fundamental, intermediate and advanced skills. The student will explore motions, cheers, chants, tumbling, stunting, physical conditioning and other cheer fundamentals. The student will further develop creative expression through movement, develop an awareness of space, time and energy, and develop self-confidence and leadership skills.
Course No. 7432
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Course Description: The student will be offered opportunities to explore the vocabulary of movement and to acquire the fundamental, intermediate and advanced skills. The student will explore motions, cheers, chants, tumbling, stunting, physical conditioning and other cheer fundamentals. The student will further develop creative expression through movement, develop an awareness of space, time and energy, and develop self-confidence and leadership skills.
Course No. 7433
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Vocabulary of dance movement and knowledge of factors that influence movement will be further explored. Creative expression through choreography opportunities will be introduced. Development of sensitivity to tempo, spatial concepts and floor patterns and an increased ability to perform technical skills in dance will be pursued. Audition procedures for performance will be introduced. The student will begin the performance phase at this level.
Course No. 7416
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: Emphasis will include more in-depth instruction in factors that influence movement. The student will additionally explore design factors in dance techniques and composition, learn to audition, rehearse and perform in public, choreograph movement statements and analyze and evaluate dance performance. Instructional and choreography procedures will be utilized at this level.
Course No. 7417
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Emphasis will include more in-depth instruction in factors that influence movement. The student will additionally explore design factors in dance technique and composition, learn to audition, rehearse and perform in public, choreograph movement statements and analyze and evaluate dance performance. Instructional and choreography procedures will be utilized at this level.
Course No. 7418
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: This course will provide athletes with fundamental skills and knowledge of dance as an art form and lifetime activity, with a specific emphasis on areas that will improve athletic ability. Students will study various forms of dance such as ballet, jazz, hip hop, and social dance, as well as broader aspects of dance such as injury prevention, stretching, and building muscle tone. This course will help increase flexibility, balance, explosiveness, and agility in athletes.
Course No. 7410
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: This course will provide athletes with fundamental skills and knowledge of dance as an art form and lifetime activity, with a specific emphasis on areas that will improve athletic ability. Students will study various forms of dance such as ballet, jazz, hip hop, and social dance, as well as broader aspects of dance such as injury prevention, stretching, and building muscle tone. This course will help increase flexibility, balance, explosiveness, and agility in athletes.
Course No. 7412
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: Emphasis will include more in-depth instruction in factors that influence movement. The student will additionally explore design factors in dance techniques and composition, learn to audition, rehearse and perform in public, choreograph movement statements and analyze and evaluate dance performance. Instructional and choreography procedures will be utilized at this level.
Course No. 7413
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Course Description: Emphasis will include more in-depth instruction in factors that influence movement. The student will additionally explore design factors in dance technique and composition, learn to audition, rehearse and perform in public, choreograph movement statements and analyze and evaluate dance performance. Instructional and choreography procedures will be utilized at this level.
Course No. 7414
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: The student will be offered opportunities to explore the vocabulary of dance movement and to acquire fundamental skills in ballet, jazz, novelty, military, pom, high kick and prop. The student will explore hand routines, cheers, chants and marching fundamentals. The student will further develop creative expression through movement, develop an awareness of space, time and energy as design factors in dance and develop self-confidence through dance and appreciation for dance as an art form.
Course No. 7402
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: Vocabulary of dance movement and knowledge of factors that influence movement will be further explored. Creative expression through choreography opportunities will be introduced. Development of sensitivity to tempo, spatial concepts and floor patterns and an increased ability to perform technical skills in dance will be pursued. Audition procedures for performance will be introduced. The student will begin the performance phase at this level.
Course No. 7403
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: Emphasis will include more in-depth instruction in factors that influence movement. The student will additionally explore design factors in dance techniques and composition, learn to audition, rehearse and perform in public, choreograph movement statements and analyze and evaluate dance performance. Instructional and choreography procedures will be utilized at this level.
Course No. 7404
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Course Description: Emphasis will include more in-depth instruction in factors that influence movement. The student will additionally explore design factors in dance technique and composition, learn to audition, rehearse and perform in public, choreograph movement statements, analyze, and evaluate dance performance. Instructional and choreography procedures will be utilized at this level.
Course No. 7405
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: The student will be offered opportunities to explore the vocabulary of dance movement and to acquire the fundamental skills in ballet, jazz, modern, contemporary, and other forms of dance movement. The student will further develop expression through movement, develop an awareness of space, time, and energy as design factors in dance, and develop self-confidence through dance and appreciation for dance as an art form.
Course No. 7421
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Vocabulary of dance movement and knowledge of factors that influence movement will be further explored. Creative expression through choreography opportunities will be introduced. Development of sensitivity to tempo, spatial concepts and floor patterns and an increased ability to perform technical skills in dance will be pursued. Audition procedures for performance will be introduced. The student will begin the performance phase at this level.
Course No. 7422
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Emphasis will include more in-depth instruction in factors that influence movement. The student will additionally explore design factors in dance techniques and composition, learn to audition, rehearse, and perform in public, choreograph movement statements, and analyze and evaluate dance performance. Instructional and choreography procedures will be utilized at this level.
Course No. 7423
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Emphasis will include more in-depth instruction in factors that influence movement. The student will additionally explore design factors in dance techniques and composition, learn to audition, rehearse, and perform in public, choreograph movement statements, and analyze and evaluate dance performance. Instructional and choreography procedures will be utilized at this level.
Course No. 7424
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: The student will be offered opportunities to explore more in-depth methods of leadership as it pertains to the spirit organization. The student will be challenged with creative expression task such as choreography and movement development. The student will plan, and complete tasks assigned by the spirit director to enhance the experience of the spirit organization for all members.
Course No. 7408
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: The student will be offered opportunities to explore more in-depth methods of leadership as it pertains to the spirit organization. The student will be challenged with creative expression task such as choreography and movement development. The student will plan, and complete tasks assigned by the spirit director to enhance the experience of the spirit organization for all members.
Course No. 7409
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This accelerated music theory course focuses on the principles of music composition. Students will develop and master aural skills in music reading and sight-singing; will master melodic/harmonic/rhythmic dictation; will study form and analysis of musical composition; and will develop critical evaluation skills with regard to musical performance. Attendance at a variety of musical performances is a requirement for this course. Students will prepare for the Advanced Placement Exam through intensi
Course No. 5680
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: During the fall semester, marching band is the primary performing organization. Appearances at pep rallies, football games, parades, competitions, and other community gatherings require a substantial amount of out-of-school practice for students enrolled in the course. Some campuses may offer concert band activities in addition to the marching band during the fall semester. During the spring semester, students are placed into a concert band class (Varsity, Non-Varsity, Sub-Non-Varsity) based on
Course No. 5611
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: During the fall semester, marching band is the primary performing organization. Appearances at pep rallies, football games, parades, competitions, and other community gatherings require a substantial amount of out-of-school practice for students enrolled in the course. Some campuses may offer concert band activities in addition to the marching band during the fall semester. During the spring semester, students are placed into a concert band class (Varsity, Non-Varsity, Sub-Non-Varsity) based on
Course No. 5621
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: During the fall semester, marching band is the primary performing organization. Appearances at pep rallies, football games, parades, competitions, and other community gatherings require a substantial amount of out-of-school practice for students enrolled in the course. Some campuses may offer concert band activities in addition to the marching band during the fall semester. During the spring semester, students are placed into a concert band class (Varsity, Non-Varsity, Sub-Non-Varsity) based on
Course No. 5632
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Course Description: During the fall semester, marching band is the primary performing organization. Appearances at pep rallies, football games, parades, competitions, and other community gatherings require a substantial amount of out-of-school practice for students enrolled in the course. Some campuses may offer concert band activities in addition to the marching band during the fall semester. During the spring semester, students are placed into a concert band class (Varsity, Non-Varsity, Sub-Non-Varsity) based on
Course No. 5642
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Students will explore dance technique and composition through participation in the color guard.
Course No. 5619
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: Students will explore dance technique and composition through participation in the color guard.
Course No. 5629
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: Students will explore dance technique and composition through participation in the color guard.
Course No. 5639
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Course Description: Students will explore dance technique and composition through participation in the color guard.
Course No. 5649
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: This course is offered for those students who are striving to reach a high degree of excellence in musical performance and who elect to schedule two music courses during the same semester. Exception: Guitar students. Emphasis is placed on individual performance considerations with regard to specific instruments and the problems one encounters during performances on that instrument.
Course No. 5691
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course is offered for those students who are striving to reach a high degree of excellence in musical performance and who elect to schedule two music courses during the same semester. Exception: Guitar students. Emphasis is placed on individual performance considerations with regard to specific instruments and the problems one encounters during performances on that instrument.
Course No. 5692
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course is offered for those students who are striving to reach a high degree of excellence in musical performance and who elect to schedule two music courses during the same semester. Exception: Guitar students. Emphasis is placed on individual performance considerations with regard to specific instruments and the problems one encounters during performances on that instrument.
Course No. 5693
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course is offered for those students who are striving to reach a high degree of excellence in musical performance and who elect to schedule two music courses during the same semester. Exception: Guitar students. Emphasis is placed on individual performance considerations with regard to specific instruments and the problems one encounters during performances on that instrument.
Course No. 5694
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Major emphasis in the high school orchestra is on the continued development of technical skills and musical knowledge through the preparation and performance of music of the masters. Every effort is made to maintain a well-balanced instrumentation. The student should be prepared to spend substantial time outside of the regular classroom period for practice and performance.
Course No. 5671
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Placement of Audition/Teacher Recommendation
Special Notes: Students participating in this performing arts course will be charged a district uniform rental fee of $10 per year. Students who utilize instruments owned by NEISD will be charged a district instrument usage fee of $30 per year.
Course Description: Major emphasis in the high school orchestra is on the continued development of technical skills and musical knowledge through the preparation and performance of music of the masters. Every effort is made to maintain a well-balanced instrumentation. The student should be prepared to spend substantial time outside of the regular classroom period for practice and performance.
Course No. 5672
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Placement of Audition/Teacher Recommendation
Special Notes: Students participating in this performing arts course will be charged a district uniform rental fee of $10 per year. Students who utilize instruments owned by NEISD will be charged a district instrument usage fee of $30 per year.
Course Description: Major emphasis in the high school orchestra is on the continued development of technical skills and musical knowledge through the preparation and performance of music of the masters. Every effort is made to maintain a well-balanced instrumentation. The student should be prepared to spend substantial time outside of the regular classroom period for practice and performance.
Course No. 5673
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Placement of Audition/Teacher Recommendation
Special Notes: Students participating in this performing arts course will be charged a district uniform rental fee of $10 per year. Students who utilize instruments owned by NEISD will be charged a district instrument usage fee of $30 per year.
Course Description: Major emphasis in the high school orchestra is on the continued development of technical skills and musical knowledge through the preparation and performance of music of the masters. Every effort is made to maintain a well-balanced instrumentation. The student should be prepared to spend substantial time outside of the regular classroom period for practice and performance.
Course No. 5674
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Placement of Audition/Teacher Recommendation
Special Notes: Students participating in this performing arts course will be charged a district uniform rental fee of $10 per year. Students who utilize instruments owned by NEISD will be charged a district instrument usage fee of $30 per year.
Course Description: This course is designed for the student interested in pursuing the craft of stage design and execution and theatre management. The student will explore scenery, properties, lighting, costumes, makeup, sound, public relations and research and design. Students will also evaluate the work of other technicians and expand their appreciation of theatre through attendance at and involvement in theatrical events. Co-curricular involvement in production activities is an integral and essential requirement
Course No. 5920
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Interest, Previous Middle School or High School Theatre Arts Class, and Teacher Recommendation
Special Notes: (For the entering 9th grade student, the middle school theatre arts teacher should be the recommending teacher. For students in grades 10-12 or coming from outside the NEISD, the high school instructor should be the recommending teacher.)
Course Description: This course is designed for the student interested in pursuing the craft of stage design and execution and theatre management. The student will explore scenery, properties, lighting, costumes, makeup, sound, public relations and research and design. Students will also evaluate the work of other technicians and expand their appreciation of theatre through attendance at and involvement in theatrical events. Co-curricular involvement in production activities is an integral and essential requirement
Course No. 5925
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation; Technical Theatre I
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course is designed for the student interested in pursuing the craft of stage design and execution and theatre management. The student will explore scenery, properties, lighting, costumes, makeup, sound, public relations and research and design. Students will also evaluate the work of other technicians and expand their appreciation of theatre through attendance at and involvement in theatrical events. Co-curricular involvement in production activities is an integral and essential requirement
Course No. 5930
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation; Technical Theatre II
Special Notes:
Course Description: This technical theatre course is designed for students interested in pursuing the craft of stage design and execution as well as theatre management. The student will explore scenery, properties, lighting, costumes, make-up, sound, public relations and research and design. Students will also evaluate the work of other technicians and expand their appreciation of theatre through attendance at and involvement in theatrical events.
Course No. 5931
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Technical Theatre I, Technical Theatre II, and Technical Theatre III
Special Notes:
Course Description: Theatre and Media Communications I provides students with a rigorous and relevant experiential study of theatre along with video and audio design. Creation and analysis of student performances will be balanced with explorations into contemporary practices in digital media. Students will learn how to bridge traditional stagecraft with current technology applications to create new media such as digital images, multimedia presentation, digital video, and interactive performances.
Course No. 5932
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Theatre Arts I and Theatre Arts II or Technical Theatre I
Special Notes:
Course Description: Theatre and Media Communications II continues with the rigorous and relevant experiential study of theatre along with video and audio, which the first level of Theatre and Media Communications I introduced. Creation and analysis of student performances are balanced with exploitation in contemporary practices in digital media. Students learn how to bridge traditional stagecraft with the current technology applications to create new media such as digital images, multimedia presentation, digital vi
Course No. 5933
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Theatre Arts I Media Communications Iand
Special Notes:
Course Description: Theatre Arts I, designed as a survey course, provides the student with an intense sampling of all facts of theatre, with an emphasis being placed on actor training. The subject matter will range from stage terminology, structure of plays and early theatrical history to vocal and movement training for the actor. Also included will be acting (improvisation, character analysis and duet/group acting) as well as stage design and construction, lighting, costuming, and makeup. NOTE: Some campuses offer
Course No. 5900
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Theatre Arts II is designed to emphasize advanced study in two areas: acting and design. Course units will include the study of advanced acting techniques and application of the design elements for the stage through group and individual projects. Involvement in co-curricular productions, contests and/or other such activities is an integral requirement of the class.
Course No. 5905
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation Technical Theatre I or Equivalent
Special Notes:
Course Description: Theatre Arts III provides the third-year student with advanced actor training, a broad understanding of dramatic literature and training in the specialized skills of playwriting, design and directing. Involvement in co-curricular productions, contests and/or other such activities is an integral requirement of the class.
Course No. 5906
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation Technical Theatre I or Equivalent and Technical Theatre II or Equivalent
Special Notes:
Course Description: Theatre Arts IV continues to provide the advanced theatre student with extensive actor preparation as well as specialized training in areas of special interest to the individual student. Among these are theatre literature, design, directing, and playwriting. Emphasis is on the refinement of skills. Involvement in co-curricular productions, contests and/or other such activities is an integral requirement of the class.
Course No. 5907
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation Theatre Arts I or Equivalent, Theatre Arts II or Equivalent, and Theatre Arts III or Equivalent
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course focuses on all aspects of theatrical production: acting concepts and skills, production concepts and skills, and aesthetic growth through appreciation of theatrical events. Students will share in the theatre experience by working in the various areas associated with overall production. Involvement in co-curricular production activities is an integral and essential requirement of theatre production.
Course No. 5910
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course focuses on all aspects of theatrical production: acting concepts and skills, production concepts and skills and aesthetic growth through appreciation of theatrical events. Students will share in the theatre experience by working in the various areas associated with overall production. Involvement in co-curricular production activities is an integral and essential requirement of theatre production.
Course No. 5915
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation Theatre Production I
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course focuses on all aspects of theatrical production: acting concepts and skills, production concepts and skills and aesthetic growth through appreciation of theatrical events. Students will share in the theatre experience by working in the various areas associated with overall production. Involvement in co-curricular production activities is an integral and essential requirement of theatre production.
Course No. 5916
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation Theatre Production I and Theatre Production II
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course focuses on all aspects of theatrical production: acting concepts and skills, production concepts and skills and aesthetic growth through appreciation of theatrical events. Students will share in the theatre experience by working in the various areas associated with overall production. Involvement in co-curricular production activities is an integral and essential requirement of theatre production.
Course No. 5917
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation Theatre Production I, Theatre Production II, and Theatre Production II
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course is a full year introductory college course in the history of art. The primary study focuses on Western art with some attention to the art of other cultures. The curriculum includes basic information about artists, schools and movements, chronological periods and specific dates and the subjects, styles, and techniques of particular works of art. Students will prepare for the Advanced Placement Exam through intensive work with essay writing, artwork image recognition, and group project
Course No. 5499
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: The Advanced Placement program enables highly motivated students to pursue college-level work in studio art while still in high school. Candidates develop an extensive portfolio of 2D work for College Board evaluation at the end of the school year. This program is intended for students seriously committed to studying and producing art.
Course No. 5501
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: The Advanced Placement program enables highly motivated students to pursue college-level work in studio art while still in high school. Candidates develop an extensive portfolio of 3D work for College Board evaluation at the end of the school year. This program is intended for students seriously committed to studying and producing art.
Course No. 5449
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: The Advanced Placement program enables students to pursue college-level work while still in high school. The drawing course is geared to highly motivated students who are seriously interested in drawing with all media. Focus will be on the development of an original drawing portfolio. The portfolio is submitted to the College Board at the conclusion of the course.
Course No. 5502
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: The Art Appreciation course is a survey of drawing, painting, sculpture, and the elements of design. The history and art of past and present world cultures is introduced. The course is designed to enable students to identify, evaluate, and comprehend various forms and styles of art. The course also explores career opportunities in the various fields of art. Students will engage in exploratory production projects that relate to the art form being studied.
Course No. 5520
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Art provides a study of the art elements and principles through experience with a variety of art media and tools in design, drawing, painting, printmaking, textiles, ceramics, and sculpture; an exploration of art history and culture; and an evaluation of artwork through discussion and critique.
Course No. 5511
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Art I Honors is designed for students who have demonstrated serious interest in pursuing art as a career. Students will develop skills in studio art and begin building a portfolio. This class prepares students for upper-level art classes.
Course No. 5512
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Art II Honors is designed for students with a serious interest in art. Students will continue their exploration of a variety of two and three-dimensional media and techniques, the elements and principles of design, art criticism, and art history. Students will develop a portfolio of their work. This class prepares students for upper-level art classes.
Course No. 5524
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Photography II students will use the camera as a tool for expressing aesthetic ideas through direct observation. They will develop subjects of personal interest into multiple ideas or themes.
Course No. 5571
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I and Art I Honors
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Advanced photography students will develop themes and individual styles through investigation, interpretation and reinventing an idea through multiple solutions. Students will learn to apply advanced photo editing processes through a variety of software and applications in order to create innovative photographic artwork.
Course No. 5508
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Art II Photography
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Advanced photography students will develop themes and individual styles through research investigation, interpretation and innovatively reinventing an idea through multiple solutions. Students will use advanced photo editing processes through a variety of software and applications in order to create innovative photographic artwork. Students will develop and share portfolios of their advanced works.
Course No. 5576
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Art III Photography
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students explore art ceramic methods such as wheel throwing, slab, coil, and pinch, separately and in combination. Students produce functional and experimental 2D and 3D clay forms. They explore surface treatments such as stamping, scraping, glazing, under-glazing, staining, painting, and firing.
Course No. 5522
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I and Art I Honors
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students explore art ceramic methods and adequately utilize all clay-building processes separately and in combination. Students will produce functional and experimental 2D and 3D clay forms. They will utilize the standard clay surface treatments while experimenting on innovative techniques. They will fire and glaze ceramic pieces with confidence and success.
Course No. 5532
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Students explore art ceramic methods and masterfully utilize all clay-building processes separately and in combination. Students will produce functional and experimental 2D and 3D clay forms. They will utilize the standard clay surface treatments along with innovative techniques they have developed. They will fire and glaze ceramic pieces with confidence and success and build a portfolio of successful works.
Course No. 5542
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Ceramics III
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students will solve visual problems by developing solutions that utilize design and technical skills through in-depth study and use of the elements of art and principles of design. Study of a variety of fine art, architecture, crafts, advertisements, and designs from nature will be used as students develop their own ideas while creating, using a variety of media and tools. Level II will explore personal reactions to design and communicate feelings and ideas through original creations.
Course No. 5528
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I and Art I Honors
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students express original ideas and experiences; solve visual problems by developing solutions that utilize design and technical skills; expand techniques of commercial design; survey commercial approaches to idea presentation and media; explore and analyze art history and culture; trace the influences of various cultures on contemporary artwork; develop a professional portfolio; and evaluate artwork through discussion and critique. Emphasis is on quality work and meeting deadlines.
Course No. 5537
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Students, through self-directed investigations, develop themes to produce an original body of artwork. The students analyze and interpret art history and culture; develop a personal portfolio and participate in a senior exhibition; analyze a wide range of artwork; work toward mastery of advanced techniques of commercial design; and survey commercial approaches to idea presentation and media. Emphasis is placed on professional standards.
Course No. 5547
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Graphic Design III
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Digital Art & Media II students work with paint and image manipulation software. Topics include: creation of original digital artwork, input of pictures with scanning and video digitizing, image retouching, compositing and integration of text and image. Students express thoughts creatively; problem-solve; interpret visual parallels between the structures of natural and human-made environments; analyze artistic styles and cultural heritage; research career choices in art; formulate multiple solut
Course No. 5572
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: In Digital Art & Media III, students work with paint and image manipulation software. Other topics include creation of original digital artwork, inputting of pictures with scanning and video digitizing, image retouching, compositing, and integration of text and image. Students express thoughts creatively; problem-solve; interpret visual parallels between the structures of natural and human-made environments; analyze artistic skills and cultural heritage; research career choices in art; develop p
Course No. 5573
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Digital Art & Media II
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: In Digital Art & Media IV, students will continue to work with paint and image manipulation software. Other topics include creation of original digital artwork, inputting of pictures with scanning and video digitizing, image retouching, compositing, and integration of text and image. Students express thoughts creatively; problem-solve; interpret visual parallels between the structures of natural and human-made environments; analyze artistic skills and cultural heritage; research career choices i
Course No. 5574
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Digital Art & Media III
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students develop and express original ideas and experiences through a variety of drawing media; explore and analyze art history and culture; and evaluate artwork through discussion and critique.
Course No. 5521
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students express original ideas and experiences; solve visual problems by developing solutions that utilize design and technical skills; expand ability with drawing media; explore and analyze art history and culture; trace the influences of various cultures on contemporary artwork; develop a personal portfolio and evaluate artwork through discussion and critique.
Course No. 5531
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Drawing II
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students, through self-directed investigations, develop themes to produce an original body of artwork. The students analyze and interpret art history and culture; develop a personal portfolio and participate in a senior exhibition; analyze a wide range of artwork; and work toward mastery of drawing media.
Course No. 5541
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Drawing III
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: This course will enable students to learn about the history of decorative adornment as well as offer a hands-on opportunity to design and create original jewelry of social and intensive self-value. The curriculum focuses on higher level thinking skills, problem-solving and cognitive skill development.
Course No. 5526
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students will learn advanced metal techniques including soldering and stone setting. The course will cover basic jewelry repair. Students will complete several advanced designs per semester.
Course No. 5527
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Jewelry II
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students develop and express original ideas and experiences through a variety of paint media and techniques; explore and analyze art history and culture; and evaluate artwork through discussion and critique.
Course No. 5525
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students express original ideas and experiences; solve visual problems by developing solutions that utilize design and technical skills; expand ability with paint media; explore and analyze art history and culture; trace the influences of various cultures on contemporary artwork; develop a personal portfolio; and evaluate artwork through discussion and critique.
Course No. 5535
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Painting II
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students, through self-directed investigations, develop themes to produce an original body of artwork. The students analyze and interpret art history and culture; develop a personal portfolio and participate in a senior exhibition; analyze a wide range of artwork; and work toward mastery of drawing media.
Course No. 5545
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Painting III
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students use principles and elements of design with emphasis on positive-negative space. They experiment with monoprints, multiple prints, reduction printings, and materials, such as linoleum, cardboard, found objects, wood, and electronics. They also study various processes such as relief, planography, intaglio, stencil, photographic, and papermaking. Personal expression and choice of techniques is emphasized. Students explore printmaking in commercial artwork, serigraphy, lithography, and etch
Course No. 5517
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students experiment with monoprints, multiple prints, reduction printings, and materials, such as linoleum, cardboard, found objects, wood, and electronics. They do advanced study and application in processes such as relief, planography, intaglio, stencil, photographic, and papermaking. Personal expression and choice of techniques is emphasized. Students explore printmaking in commercial artwork, serigraphy, lithography, and etching.
Course No. 5518
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Sculpture II
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district..
Course Description: Students develop and express original ideas and experiences through additive, subtractive and other sculpting techniques; explore and analyze art history and culture; and evaluate artwork through discussion and critique.
Course No. 5523
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Art I
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students express original ideas and experiences; solve visual problems by developing solutions that utilize design and technical skills; expand abilities of experiences through additive, subtractive and other sculpting techniques; explore and analyze art history and culture; trace the influences of various cultures on contemporary artwork; develop a personal portfolio; and evaluate artwork through discussion and critique.
Course No. 5533
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Sculpture II
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: Students, through self-directed investigations, develop themes to produce an original body of artwork. The students analyze and interpret art history and culture; develop a personal portfolio and participate in a senior exhibition; analyze a wide range of artwork and work toward mastery of skills by providing experiences in additive, subtractive and other sculpting techniques.
Course No. 5543
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Sculpture III
Special Notes: Art students may be required to purchase a supply kit or additional supplies, and/or pay a supply fee. Total cost is regulated by the district.
Course Description: This course will explore and study basic vocal and choral techniques including good tone production, dictation, balance and blend and artistic interpretation of the composer's intent. Music theory and sight-singing will be part of the curriculum with performance opportunities available.
Course No. 5711
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Reading and vocal skills will continue to be developed. The student will be provided opportunities to experience and discuss a variety of choral styles and composers. This class will participate in scheduled performances and competitions.
Course No. 5721
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Basic singing skills and the study of vocal and choral techniques will be amplified, with a continuing emphasis on sight-singing, music theory and music literature. Performance opportunities, exploration of self-expression through music and competitive activities are stressed.
Course No. 5731
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Further study of vocal skills and choral techniques will be encouraged with a continued emphasis on sight-singing, music theory and music literature. Self-expression through musical performance will be emphasized and participation in competitive activities will be encouraged.
Course No. 5741
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course is for a highly select number of students who will learn choral music through performance of many varied styles of choral music. Prior choral experience is needed for entry into these groups.
Course No. 5751
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: This course is for a highly select number of students who will learn choral music through performance of many varied styles of choral music. Prior choral experience is needed for entry into these groups.
Course No. 5761
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: This course if for a highly select number of students who will learn choral music through performance of many varied styles of choral music. Prior choral experience is needed for entry into these groups.
Course No. 5771
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Working in editorial positions, students gain practical experience in producing the school newspaper. Experience includes personal instruction in advanced writing skills, preparing copy on the computer and page design and paste-up techniques. Working after school as needed is a part of this program.
Course No. 1743
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Working in editorial positions, students gain practical experience in producing the school newspaper. Experience includes personal instruction in advanced writing skills, preparing copy on the computer and page design and paste-up techniques. Working after school as needed is a part of this program.
Course No. 1744
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Working in editorial positions, students gain practical experience in producing the school newspaper. Experience includes personal instruction in advanced writing skills, preparing copy on the computer and page design and paste-up techniques. Working after school as needed is a part of this program.
Course No. 1745
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Students gain laboratory experience in magazine production as they produce the yearbooks. Experience includes writing copy, computer copy preparation, page layout and design skills, photo-cropping and editing. Working after school as needed to complete assignments is a part of this course.
Course No. 1746
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Students holding editorial positions gain laboratory experience along with personal instruction in magazine production and procedures as well as collaboration to produce the yearbook. Experience includes writing copy, computer copy preparation, page layout and design skills and photo-cropping and editing. Working after school as needed to complete assignments is a part of this course.
Course No. 1747
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Students holding editorial positions gain laboratory experience along with personal instruction in magazine production and procedures as well as collaboration to produce the yearbook. Experience includes writing copy, computer copy preparation, page layout and design skills and photo-cropping and editing. Working after school as needed to complete assignments is a part of this course.
Course No. 1748
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Students will access, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication in a variety of media forms. Students will learn the laws and ethical considerations that affect broadcast journalism, learn the roles and function of broadcast journalism and visual representation, and produce by creating a broadcast journalism product. Experience includes personal instruction in advanced writing skills, and video production.
Course No. 1705
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Students will access, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms. Students will learn the laws and ethical considerations that affect broadcast journalism, learn the roles and function of broadcast journalism and visual representation, and produce by creating a broadcast journalism product. Experience includes personal instruction in advanced writing skills, and video production.
Course No. 1706
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Students will access, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms. Students will learn the laws and ethical considerations that affect broadcast journalism, learn the roles and function of broadcast journalism and visual representation, and produce by creating a broadcast journalism product. Experience includes personal instruction in advanced writing skills, and video production.
Course No. 1707
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Curriculum is developed by the teacher and approved by the administration. Such courses as Digital Photography may be developed.
Course No. 1704
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This course will include activities individually designed for high-achieving students. The student will be provided opportunities to do one or more of the following: conduct research; produce original work in print or in some other medium; extensively develop an advanced skill; and/or study in a specific area of interest in the field of journalism.
Course No. 1753
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Students learn the fundamentals of journalism, including standards and functions of the press, news values, interview techniques, and copy preparation. Concentration is on writing news features and editorials and students use computers for assignments to learn newspaper and yearbook production.
Course No. 1703
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Students learn photographic techniques, composition, basic black and white darkroom techniques, photo essays, photo cropping, editing and caption writing. Students will enter competitions and have the opportunity to have their photos published in the school newspaper and yearbook. Where available, instruction in color photography includes production of a sound/write show. STUDENTS MUST FURNISH A 35MM CAMERA AND PHOTOGRAPHIC PAPER. Film will be supplied. Enrollment in this course is limited to da
Course No. 1720
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: In this course, students use functions to represent and model problem situations. They analyze and interpret relationships and use symbols in a variety of ways to describe those relationships in both mathematical and real-world situations. Topics include foundations of functions, linear, quadratics, exponentials, polynomials of degree one and two, radical expressions, sequences and law of exponents. Students will generate and solve linear systems with two equations and two variables, and create
Course No. 2313
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: Algebra I Resource is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires this course and will take the applicable EOC test. In this special education resource class, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills of the Algebra I curriculum are modified and vertically aligned to meet the individual needs of the student whose math skills are significantly below grade level.
Course No. 2315
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course is designed to support students who are seeking additional support for high school mathematics and will become strategic mathematical learners. This course is designed to support students while they are concurrently scheduled in an Algebra I course but require a deeper understanding of strategic mathematical concepts necessary for success in High School Math courses. Students will receive a preview of Algebra I concepts prior to receiving instruction in their Algebra I course. Concep
Course No. 7804
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-10
Course Description: This course develops a structured mathematical system employing both deductive and inductive reasoning. Students study properties and relationships having to do with size, shape, location, direction, and orientation of figures. Geometry students solve meaningful problems using geometric ideas, relationships, and properties. Topics include plane, coordinate and transformational geometry as well as reasoning, justification, and proof.
Course No. 2413
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-10
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I
Special Notes: This course is required under all graduation plans.
Course Description: This course develops an appreciation of an axiomatic system through the observation of patterns. The exploration of these patterns, whether in a plane or in space, allows the student to make conjectures about geometry which can then be proven deductively. The techniques and skills learned in Algebra I are integrated throughout the course in order to reinforce the skills previously learned and to enhance the study of geometry as part of a mathematical sequence. Students study properties and relat
Course No. 2414
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-10
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course extends and deepens the topics of the Honors course. Problem-solving and higher order thinking skills are required as well as qualification on the district Gifted Math matrix.
Course No. 2415
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Prerequisites: Qualification for the District's Math Gifted/Talented Program State Required: Algebra I
Special Notes:
Course Description: Geometry Resource is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student is eligible. In this special education resource class, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills of the Geometry curriculum are modified and vertically aligned to meet the individual needs of the student whose math skills are significantly below grade level.
Course No. 2421
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Algebraic Reasoning provides a deeper study of linear, quadratic, and exponential functions explored in Algebra I. Students will broaden their knowledge of functions and relationships with an introduction to additional function families, including square root, rational, cubic, cube root, exponential, absolute value, and logarithmic functions. Students will study these functions through analysis and applications that include explorations of pattern and structure, number and algebraic methods, and
Course No. 2606
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-11
Prerequisites: Algebra I
Special Notes: The scope and sequence is designed to reinforce functions learned in Algebra I in the first semester and extend to Algebra II functions and concepts in the second semester. This course may count as a third or fourth year of math credit.
Course Description: Algebraic Reasoning Resource is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires this course. In this special education setting class, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills of Algebraic Reasoning are modified and vertically aligned to meet the individual needs of the student whose math skills are significantly below grade level.
Course No. 2316
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Algebra I
Special Notes:
Course Description: In this course, students study algebraic concepts and the relationships among them to better understand the structure of algebra. Students in Algebra II learn that equations and functions are algebraic tools that can be used to represent geometric curves and figures, and they perceive the connections between algebra and geometry to use the tools of one to help solve problems in the other. Topics include linear, quadratic, square root, rational, exponential and logarithmic functions, cubic and cu
Course No. 2323
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I; NEISD Recommended: Geometry
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math and is required for Distinguished Level of Achievement (DLOA).
Course Description: This course extends and deepens the topics of the regular course through real-world and technology applications and utilizes Pre- AP instructional strategies. A variety of problems will be used to challenge an advanced mathematics student. Students study algebraic concepts and the relationships among them to better understand the structure of algebra. Students in Algebra II learn that equations and functions are algebraic tools that can be used to represent geometric curves and figures, and they
Course No. 2324
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I; NEISD Recommended: Geometry
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course extends and deepens the topics of the Honors course. Problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills are required as well as qualification on the district Gifted Math matrix.
Course No. 2325
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-10
Prerequisites: Qualification for the District's Math Gifted/Talented Program State Required: Algebra I
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course includes the study of quadratic, polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions; systems of equations; progressions; sequences and series; and matrices and determinants.
Course No. 2326
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Students must meet all of the dual credit requirements to be enrolled in this course. State Recommended: Algebra II
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This is a dual-enrollment inquiry-based course for students who seek to deepen their critical thinking skills and develop their ability to persist through challenges as they explore function families: Linear, Absolute Value, Quadratic, Polynomial, Radical, Rational, Exponential, and Logarithmic. Students analyze data algebraically and with technology while developing their knowledge of properties of functions, matrices and systems of equations, and complex numbers. The pedagogy of this course (i
Course No. 2327
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Algebra I UT Austin Recommended: Geometry NEISD Recommended: Algebra II
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course extends and integrates concepts from algebra and geometry. Students use functions, equations and limits as useful tools for expressing generalizations and as means for analyzing and understanding a broad variety of mathematical relationships. Students use a variety of representations, tools, and technology to model functions and equations to solve problems. Topics include a study of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions, inverse and second-degree
Course No. 2715
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I and Geometry; State Recommended: Algebra II
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Programs.
Course Description: This is a dual-enrollment discovery-based course that extends and builds upon the basic understanding of pre-calculus concepts with an emphasis on breaking down mathematical definitions and constructing logical arguments. The course is divided into seven units, each unit consists of a series of explorations designed to engage students and empower them to develop their problem-solving skills. In each exploration, students will create connections with prior concepts in developing the current topic
Course No. 2717
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I and Geometry; State Recommended: Algebra II
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Programs.
Course Description: AP Precalculus centers on functions modeling dynamic real-world situations. The exploration of functions is designed to prepare students for college-level calculus and provide grounding for other mathematics and science courses. Students acquire and apply mathematical tools for real-world modeling situations, which helps students come to a deeper understanding of each function type, including polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic, trigonometric, and polar. Students learn that functions
Course No. 2728
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I and Geometry; State Recommended: Algebra II
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Programs.
Course Description: This course provides a path for students to succeed in Algebra II and prepares them for various post-secondary choices. Students learn to apply mathematics through experiences in personal finance, science, engineering, fine arts, and social sciences. Students use algebraic, graphical, and geometric reasoning to recognize patterns and structure, model information, solve problems, and communicate solutions. Students will select from tools such as physical objects, manipulatives, technology, data c
Course No. 2957
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I
Special Notes: For students graduating on the Foundations program, Mathematical Models with Applications can be taken in any sequence as long as the prerequisites are met.
Course Description: Math Models Resource is designed to be a student's final math course in their math sequence. The major emphasis of this special education setting course is the operation of whole numbers, decimals, and fractions in practical life situations. Subject matter covered includes but is not limited to the following: personal finance, budgeting and banking.
Course No. 2104
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Students will broaden their knowledge of variability and statistical processes. Students will study sampling and experimentation, categorical and quantitative data, probability and random variables, inference, and bivariate data. Students will connect data and statistical processes to real-world situations as well as extend their knowledge of data analysis.
Course No. 2605
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Algebra I
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course is a capstone math course that follows Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. It builds on and extends what students have learned and covers other math topics not typically taught in high school. The course does not remediate skills, but reinforces needed skills as students study new topics in relevant, engaging contexts. The course emphasizes statistics and financial applications, and it prepares students to use algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and discrete mathematics to model a rang
Course No. 2610
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I and Geometry
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This non-calculus-based course introduces the student to the management, interpretation and analysis of data within today's society. Topics include exploratory data analysis, observing patterns and departure from patterns; planning a study and deciding what data to measure and how to measure it; producing models using probability and simulation; and applying techniques for statistical inference and confirming models. Projects, collaborative group problem-solving, and writing are part of the conc
Course No. 2947
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: Geometry and Algebra II
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course includes differential and integral calculus with applications of previous math courses. The intent is preparation for college and/or one or more semesters of advanced placement calculus. Topics include limits of a function, continuity, maxima and minima, area, volume, rates of growth and other applications. Students will prepare to take the College Board Advanced Placement Exam in Calculus AB.
Course No. 2734
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: PreCalculus
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course covers the topics seen in Calculus AB and provides advanced skills in methods and applications. The course emphasizes a multi-representational approach to calculus. Topics include parametric, polar and vector functions, application of derivatives, applications of integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus, techniques of antidifferentiation, applications of anti-differentiation, and polynomial approximations and series. Students will prepare to take the College Board Advanced Placemen
Course No. 2735
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: PreCalculus
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course extends and enhances concepts from the AP Calculus curriculum. Topics include: conic sections, parametric equations, vectors and vector-valued functions, the calculus of functions of several variables and infinite series. Relevant applications are woven into all topics. The use of graphing calculators and computers is integrated throughout the course. Students will be involved in developing projects related to the topics covered.
Course No. 2960
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Recommended: AP Calculus BC
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Programs.
Course Description: The study of differential equations. A differential equation is a mathematical equation for an unknown function of one of several variables that relates the values of the function itself and its derivatives of various orders. This course may be offered as an independent study course with a designated mentor teacher. Students must present research/products for completion.
Course No. 2721
Credits: 0.5
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation State Required: Algebra II and Geometry
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans. A teacher mentor is needed to mentor research coursework.
Course Description: This course primarily involves the study of the properties of natural numbers and integers. Topics include mathematical induction, prime numbers, divisibility, and congruence. This course may be offered as an independent study course with a designated mentor teacher. Students must present research/products for completion.
Course No. 2951
Credits: 0.5
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation State Required: Algebra II and Geometry
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans. A teacher mentor is needed to mentor research coursework.
Course Description: This course is a study of important mathematicians and the historical development of numbers and numerals, methods of computation, geometry, and algebra. This course may be offered as an independent study course with a designated mentor teacher. Students must present research/products for completion.
Course No. 2954
Credits: 0.5
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Teacher Recommendation State Required: Algebra II and Geometry
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation, Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans. A teacher mentor is needed to mentor research coursework.
Course Description: This course is intended for students to bridge the gap between Algebra II and a college entry-level mathematics course. Topics include linear functions and equations, quadratics functions and equations, manipulating polynomial expressions, absolute value functions and equations.
Course No. 2300
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: Advanced Mathematics credit Algebra I and Geometry
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year math credit on the Foundation Graduation Plan only.
Course Description: This course prepares students to compete in UIL competition at the district, regional and state levels.
Course No. 2961
Credits: 0.5
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course prepares students to compete in UIL competition at the district, regional and state levels.
Course No. 2962
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Other Electives
Course Description: AVID promotes college readiness. AVID is an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. It is an in-school academic support program that prepares students for college eligibility and success. AVID targets those in the academic middle. Students are enrolled in a college preparatory sequence and in an elective section of AVID where they receive the academic and motivational support to succeed. During the AVID class, students are coached by college tutors and work in collabor
Course No. 1030
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: AVID promotes college readiness. AVID is an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. It is an in-school academic support program that prepares students for college eligibility and success. AVID targets those in the academic middle. Students are enrolled in a college preparatory sequence and in an elective section of AVID where they receive the academic and motivational support to succeed. During the AVID class, students are coached by college tutors and work in collabor
Course No. 1031
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: AVID promotes college readiness. AVID is an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. It is an in-school academic support program that prepares students for college eligibility and success. AVID targets those in the academic middle. Students are enrolled in a college preparatory sequence and in an elective section of AVID where they receive the academic and motivational support to succeed. During the AVID class, students are coached by college tutors and work in collabor
Course No. 1032
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Course Description: AVID promotes college readiness. AVID is an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. It is an in-school academic support program that prepares students for college eligibility and success. AVID targets those in the academic middle. Students are enrolled in a college preparatory sequence and in an elective section of AVID where they receive the academic and motivational support to succeed. During the AVID class, students are coached by college tutors and work in collabor
Course No. 1033
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Students will explore the world of strength and conditioning by gaining knowledge and skills to properly design a program for themselves and other populations as they move through life. Nutrition, dietary supplements, energy systems, exercise physiology, biomechanics and safety are examples of units students will experience during this course. By the end of the course, students will improve their fitness levels, develop a three-month plan, and intern at a campus fitness center. This course will
Course No. 7214
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: GT Interdisciplinary Studies I is a year-long GT elective class open to all 9th and 10th grade students currently identified in the North East ISD Gifted and Talented program. In GT Interdisciplinary Studies I, students will be provided opportunities to discover various styles and characteristics of leaders, PSAT preparation, and complete a unit of study on Personal Finance culminating with a Financial Case Study. Throughout the year students will work on presentation and communication skills, g
Course No. 4251
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-10
Course Description: GT Interdisciplinary Studies II is a year-long GT elective class open to all 10th or 11th grade students currently identified in the North East ISD Gifted and Talented program. In GT Interdisciplinary Studies II students will work on PSAT preparation prior to the October test date. Throughout the year students will work on presentation and communication skills, group dynamics, critical thinking, and college planning. Students will develop a research study proposal on their topic of choice, condu
Course No. 4252
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-11
Course Description: Peer Assistance for Students with Disabilities is designed to promote an inclusive educational environment for special education students. This course provides peer assistance the opportunity to develop leadership and communication skills. Peer assistants receive training in confidentiality, cueing, prompting, and positive reinforcement. Peer assistants assist the teacher in general education classroom and special education setting by modeling appropriate learning behaviors, assisting with hands
Course No. 7642
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Peer Assistance for Students with Disabilities is designed to promote an inclusive educational environment for special education students. This course provides peer assistance the opportunity to develop leadership and communication skills. Peer assistants receive training in confidentiality, cueing, prompting, and positive reinforcement. Peer assistants assist the teacher in general education classroom and special education setting by modeling appropriate learning behaviors, assisting with hands
Course No. 7643
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This course will help prepare students for college entrance examinations such as the ACT, PSAT and the SAT. The course will focus on developing cognitive skills and familiarity with the testing formats. This course will NOT count toward state graduation requirements.
Course No. 1677
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: This release class period is only for seniors who have passed the STAAR EOC exams and are passing all classes so that the student will graduate with the appropriate senior class. Students with serious discipline issues may not receive administrative approval.
Course No. 7911
Credits: 0
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: This release class period is only for seniors who have passed the STAAR EOC exams and are passing all classes so that the student will graduate with the appropriate senior class. Students with serious discipline issues may not receive administrative approval.
Course No. 7918
Credits: 0
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students in the science of injury prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation related to sport injuries. Students will receive hands-on experience with evaluations of sport-related injuries, various taping and wrapping techniques, and rehabilitation, as well as the proper techniques and procedures for emergency situations.
Course No. 7273
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course provides an in-depth study and application of the components of sports medicine including, but not limited to basic rehabilitative techniques; therapeutic modalities; wound care, taping and bandaging techniques; prevention, recognition, and care of musculoskeletal injuries; injuries to the young athlete; drugs in sports; and modern issues in sports medicine. Individualized and independent assignments will be included in this course.
Course No. 7274
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Teacher recommendation. Successful completion of Biology and Health or its equivalency
Special Notes: This course may be taken for elective credit.
Course Description: Students are assigned to work in an office or for a teacher.
Course No. 7634
Credits: 0
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: Students are assigned to work in an office or for a teacher.
Course No. 7635
Credits: 0
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: A one-to-four-year course designed to motivate young people to be better citizens through (1)Strengthening their character through the teaching of values associated with service life. (2) Developing the ability to logically arrange thoughts and communicate effectively, orally and in writing. (3) Developing the basic life skills necessary to work effectively as a team member. (4) Developing their leadership potential. (5) Promoting and understanding the historical role of the citizen soldier in a
Course No. 7501
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: A one-to-four-year course designed to motivate young people to be better citizens through (1) Strengthening their character through the teaching of values associated with service life. (2) Developing the ability to logically arrange thoughts and communicate effectively, orally and in writing. (3) Developing the basic life skills necessary to work effectively as a team member. (4) Developing their leadership potential. (5) Promoting and understanding the historical role of the citizen soldier in
Course No. 7502
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: A one-to-four-year course designed to motivate young people to be better citizens through (1) Strengthening their character through the teaching of values associated with service life. (2) Developing the ability to logically arrange thoughts and communicate effectively, orally and in writing. (3) Developing the basic life skills necessary to work effectively as a team member. (4) Developing their leadership potential and interpersonal relationship skills. (5) Developing an appreciation of the va
Course No. 7503
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: A one-to-four-year course designed to motivate young people to be better citizens through (1) Strengthening their character through the application of values and life skills. (2) Developing the ability to logically arrange thoughts and communicate effectively, orally and in writing. (3) Developing the basic life skills necessary to work effectively as a team member. (4) Applying their leadership principles and planning skills. (5) Developing an appreciation of the values of physical and mental f
Course No. 7504
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: These students assist the commanders with ROTC organizational duties and application of the principles of leadership.
Course No. 7506
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: A one-to-four-year course designed to assist students in becoming more accomplished in skills required for JROTC integrated curricular competition events (Drill Team, Color Guard, Marksmanship, Orienteering, and Raider Skills) through (1) Developing techniques and skills to become highly competitive in one of the JROTC integrated curricular events. (2) Developing leadership and instructional techniques to assist in coaching other team members. (3)Designing training programs to accomplish the des
Course No. 7505
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: The Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL) course is for selected high school students who are trained in community service, conflict resolution, and as peer helpers to work with other students either on their own and/or feeder middle or elementary schools.
Course No. 7620
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL) course is for second year PAL students only. It is an in-depth continuation of the skills and services provided in Peer Assistance and Leadership (PAL). (7620)
Course No. 7621
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: The peer tutoring course is an elective option for students who wish to have an opportunity for service in educational programming of students with disabilities. Peer tutors are an integral part of a community-referenced and activity-based program which addresses the needs of adolescents with disabilities as they prepare to meet the post-high-school world.
Course No. 7640
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: The peer tutoring course is an elective option for students who wish to have an opportunity for service in educational programming of handicapped students. Peer tutors are an integral part of a community-referenced and activity-based program which addresses the needs of adolescents with disabilities as they prepare to meet the post-high-school world.
Course No. 7641
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course provides elected Student Council representatives with the opportunity to develop organizational and communication skills in the performance of their duties.
Course No. 7612
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: This course provides an opportunity to study, practice, and develop group leadership and organizational skills. These skills include but are not limited to decision-making skills, problem-solving techniques, communication skills, leadership roles, human-relations skills, and understanding the need for social intelligence and civic responsibility. Students put into practice the skills learned while dealing with the school administration, the students, and the community. The content focuses on com
Course No. 7611
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Physical Education
Course Description: The Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Pursuits course offers current approaches for the foundation of personal fitness, physical literacy, lifetime wellness, and healthy living. Students in Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Pursuits will apply the knowledge and skills to demonstrate mastery of the concepts needed to achieve lifetime wellness. Students will participate in a variety of physical activities for attaining personal fitness and lifetime wellness.
Course No. 7215
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: The Lifetime Recreation and Outdoor Pursuits course provides opportunities to develop competency in five or more life-long recreational and outdoor pursuits for enjoyment and challenge. Students in Lifetime Recreation and Outdoor Pursuits will participate in activities that promote physical literacy, promote respect for and connection to nature and the environment, and promote opportunities for enjoyment for a lifetime. Students will experience opportunities that enhance self-worth and support c
Course No. 7216
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: The Skill-Based Lifetime Activities course offers students the opportunity to demonstrate mastery of basic sports skills, basic sports knowledge, and health and fitness principles. Students will experience opportunities that promote physical literacy and lifetime wellness. Students will participate in a minimum of one lifelong activity from each of the following five categories: target games, striking and fielding games, fitness activities, rhythmic activities, and innovative games and activitie
Course No. 7217
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Students learn rules and regulations for team sports, including football, basketball, and soccer. Students will develop skills in communication, decision-making, and conflict management. Working with coaches, players, other officials, and parents, the expectation is that by the end of the course students will have the ability to officiate tat various levels and manage responsibilities that come with the role. Additionally, students will develop a personal fitness plan and safety plan that dir
Course No. 7218
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Health is a required course designed to be taken in the first years of high school. It is designed to help youth develop and sustain health-promoting behaviors throughout their lives. Students will have opportunities to gather, interpret and apply health information; achieve health literacy; reinforce, foster, and demonstrate positive character traits; and adapt to the ever-evolving science of health. the course supports the development of a healthy self-concept and responsible decision-making.
Course No. 7101
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course offers students reading instruction to successfully navigate academic demands as well as attain life-long literacy skills. Specific instruction in word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension strategies, and fluency provides students an opportunity to read with competence, confidence, and understanding. Students learn how traditional and electronic texts are organized and how authors choose language for effect. All of these strategies are applied in instructional-level and independent
Course No. 1641
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-10
Course Description: This course continues to offer students reading instruction to successfully navigate academic demands as well as attain life-long literacy skills. Specific instruction in word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension strategies, and fluency provides students an opportunity to read with competence, confidence, and understanding. Students learn how traditional and electronic texts are organized and how authors choose language for effect. All of these strategies are applied in instructional-level and
Course No. 1642
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-11
Prerequisites: Referral by parent, teacher, or counselor Academic Literacy I
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course continues to offer students reading instruction to successfully navigate academic demands as well as attain life-long literacy skills. Specific instruction in word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension strategies, and fluency provides students an opportunity to read with competence, confidence, and understanding. Students learn how traditional and electronic texts are organized and how authors choose language for effect. All of these strategies are applied in instructional-level and
Course No. 1643
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Referral by parent, teacher, or counselor Academic Literacy I
Special Notes:
Course Description: Reading Resource I is a special education setting language arts course designed to supplement placement in an English class. Strong emphasis will be placed on phonetic and structural analysis, vocabulary development and comprehension skills. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, pacing and materials of the general education curriculum may be modified to meet individual needs of students. This course counts as an elective credit.
Course No. 1617
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Reading Resource II is a special education setting language arts course designed to supplement placement in an English class. Strong emphasis will be placed on phonetic and structural analysis, vocabulary development and comprehension skills. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, pacing and materials of the general education curriculum may be modified to meet individual needs of students. This course counts as an elective credit.
Course No. 1618
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Reading Resource III is a special education language arts course designed to supplement placement in an English class. Strong emphasis will be placed on phonetic and structural analysis, vocabulary development and comprehension skills. Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, pacing and materials of the general education curriculum may be modified to meet individual needs of students. This course counts as an elective credit.
Course No. 1619
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course follows the College Board Advanced Placement guidelines in preparation for the AP exam through which students may receive college credit. Concepts presented at the college level include: biochemistry; cytology; bioenergetics; genetics; evolution; ecology and animal and plant systems. Student investigations emphasize accurate observations, collection of data, data analysis and the safe manipulation of advanced scientific apparatus and materials during field and laboratory investigatio
Course No. 3243
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: Biology and Recommended: Chemistry
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans, or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course follows the College Board Advanced Placement guidelines in preparation for the AP exam through which students may receive college credit. Concepts presented at the college level include inorganic and organic chemistry; quantitative and qualitative analysis; reaction rates and thermodynamics. The laboratory program will present both confirmatory activities and inquiry investigations. Through laboratory experiences, students will gain an operational definition of the concepts and princ
Course No. 3343
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra II NEISD Recommended: Biology and Recommended: Chemistry
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans, or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course follows the College Board Advanced Placement guidelines in preparation for the AP exam through which students may receive college credit. This course extends and deepens the topics covered in Environmental Systems and includes a strong emphasis on methodologies required to understand the relationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems, to evaluate risks associated with these problems and to examine solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Ind
Course No. 3743
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: 2 Science credits Algebra I
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans, or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: AP Physics 1 is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of Physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore topics such as Newtonian mechanics (including rotational motion); work, energy, and power; mechanical waves and sound; and introductory, simple circuits.
Course No. 3444
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Current enrollment or completion of Precalculus is highly recommended) NEISD Recommended: Completion of Geometry and ompletion of Algebra II
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans or an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: The AP Physics 2 course is an algebra-based, introductory college-level physics course. Students cultivate their understanding of Physics through inquiry-based investigations as they explore topics such as fluid statics and dynamics; thermodynamics with kinetic theory; PV diagrams and probability; electrostatics; electrical circuits with capacitors; magnetic fields; electromagnetism; physical and geometric optics; and quantum, atomic, and nuclear physics.
Course No. 3445
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: State Recommended: Advanced Placement (AP) Physics I or a comparable physics introductory course and corequisite: precalculus or an equivalent course.
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: The Physics C: Mechanics course is equivalent to a one-semester, calculus-based, college-level physics course. It is especially appropriate for students planning to specialize or major in physical science or engineering. The course explores topics such as kinematics; Newton's laws of motion; work, energy and power; systems of particles and linear momentum; circular motion and rotation; and oscillations and gravitation. Introductory differential and integral calculus is used throughout the course
Course No. 3443
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Aquatic science is the study of the interaction between the physical, biological and chemical components of the aquatic environment, including the adaptations of the organisms that live there. This study includes oceanic and fresh water ecosystems with particular emphasis on Texas aquatic environments; the role of cycles within aquatic environments; interrelationships among aquatic species, their habitats, and ecosystems; and the geological phenomena and fluid dynamics of aquatic environments. S
Course No. 3652
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Recommended: Biology; NEISD Recommended: Chemistry or concurrent enrollment.
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans, or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: Astronomy is the study of the position, motion, composition, structure and history of objects in the universe and the physical laws that govern them. Topics include scientific theories of the evolution of the universe; characteristics and the life cycle of stars; exploration of the universe; role of the Sun in our Solar System; planets; and the orientation and placement of the Earth. Student investigations emphasize accurate observations, collection of data, data analysis and the safe manipulati
Course No. 3650
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended - 2 science credits, including Biology and IPC or Chemistry or Physics
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans, or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course is a study of the fundamentals of biological science. Students in biology study a variety of topics that include: structures and functions of cells and viruses; growth and development of organisms; cells, tissues and organs; nucleic acids and genetics; biological evolution; taxonomy; metabolism and energy transfers in living organisms; living systems; homeostasis; ecosystems; and plants and the environment. Student investigations emphasize accurate observations, collection of data, d
Course No. 3223
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-11
Course Description: This course extends and deepens the topics covered in biology, including a strong emphasis on field and laboratory investigations and may include research activities in preparation for Advanced Placement Biology.
Course No. 3233
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-10
Course Description: This year-long course explores three big ideas of biology: the structure and function of biomolecules, the flow of energy through living systems via photosynthesis and cellular respiration, and how genetic information is expressed and transmitted both within and between cells. Students will experience high quality curriculum designed by the faculty at UT Austin. Student will have the opportunity to earn 4 College Credits (3 lecture, 1 lab) through the University of Texas at Austin.
Course No. 3242
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This course is designed to introduce students to chemistry at the TEKS level and includes abstract and quantitative aspects of chemistry. Technology is incorporated as appropriate to support the study of specific topics. Chemistry is the study of the structure, composition and behavior of matter. Students study a variety of topics that include: characteristics of matter; energy transformations during physical and chemical changes; atomic structure; periodic table of elements; behavior of gases;
Course No. 3323
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: Completion or concurrent enrollment in second year of math State Required: 1 Science credit and Algebra I
Special Notes: This course may count as a Laboratory Science or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course extends and deepens the topics covered in Chemistry and includes a strong emphasis on laboratory investigations and may include research activities in preparation for Advanced Placement Chemistry.
Course No. 3333
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: State Required: 1 Science credit and Algebra I; NEISD Recommended: Biology and completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra II
Special Notes: This course may count as a Laboratory Science or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: A science elective course designed to build on prior scientific knowledge and skills to develop understanding of earth's systems in space and time.
Course No. 3330
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: State Required: 3 units of Science, one may be taken concurrently and 3 units of Mathematics, one may be taken concurrently
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans, or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course is designed to enable a better understanding of man's impact on our surroundings and the environmental needs of the future. Students study a variety of topics that include biotic and abiotic factors in habitats; ecosystems and biomes; interrelationships among resources and an environmental system; sources and flow of energy through an environmental system;
Course No. 3656
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: 2 science credits, including Biology and IPC or Chemistry or Physics
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans, or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This course integrates the disciplines of physics and chemistry at the introductory level. Topics studied include force and motion; waves; energy transformations; properties of matter; changes in matter and solution chemistry. Students conduct field and laboratory investigations, use scientific methods during investigations and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. This course is not recommended for students who have successfully completed chemistry or
Course No. 3123
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-10
Course Description: Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-based compounds. In this course you will learn about the basic structure, naming, functions, and reactions of various classes of organic compounds. This course will review the importance of bonding and focus on alkanes and cycloalkanes, akenes and alkynes, aromatic compounds, halogen compounds, etc. We will also focus on the development of specific organic laboratory skills such as determining melting and boiling points and separation techniques. Througho
Course No. 3318
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry
Special Notes: This course will count as an elective credit.
Course Description: Organic chemistry is the study of carbon-based compounds. In this course you will learn about the basic structure, naming, functions, and reactions of various classes of organic compounds. This course will review the importance of bonding and focus on alkanes and cycloalkanes, akenes and alkynes, aromatic compounds, halogen compounds, etc. We will also focus on the development of specific organic laboratory skills such as determining melting and boiling points and separation techniques. Througho
Course No. 3328
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry
Special Notes: This course will count as an elective credit.
Course Description: In Physics, students conduct laboratory and field investigations, use scientific practices during investigations, and make informed decisions using critical thinking and scientific problem solving. Students study a variety of topics that include: laws of motion; changes within physical systems and conservation of energy and momentum; forces; thermodynamics; characteristics and behavior of waves; and atomic, nuclear, and quantum physics. Students who successfully complete Physics will acquire fac
Course No. 3423
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: State Required: Algebra I is suggested as a prerequisite or corequisite
Special Notes: This course may count as a Laboratory Science course or an Advanced Science course on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: This is an algebra-based (non-calculus) course in mechanics that fulfills a college level general physics requirement. Proficiency in algebra and geometry is assumed. Students will practice problem-solving and analyzing physical situations involving motion, force, energy, rotations, heat, oscillations, waves, and sound. They will explore concepts in small groups, develop ideas, and explain them. The course lays the groundwork for college majors including engineering, physics, chemistry, or mathe
Course No. 3447
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: UT Required: Algebra I and Geometry UT Recommended: Algebra II or Pre-Calculus
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans or an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans. Students may need extra practice in electric charge, electric force, and DC circuits to be successful on AP Physics 1 College Board Exam.
Course Description: Students will explore how electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic effects arise from static, uniformly moving, and accelerating charges, respectively. Students will obtain practical experience with electrical circuits and optical devices, while also investigating modern physical phenomena including quanta of light (photons) and the properties of the atomic nucleus. Students will appreciate how scientific inquiry reveals the fundamental principles of the universe and how these principles are appl
Course No. 3448
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: UT Required: TEKS-based Physics, Algebra II, and Geometry, UT Recommended: OnRamps PHY 302K, AP Physics I, Honors Physics or PHYS 1301, Pre-Calculus
Special Notes: This course may count as a fourth-year science credit on the Recommended and Distinguished Graduation Plans or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans. Students may need extra practice in fluids and thermodynamics to be successful on AP Physics 1 College Board Exam.
Course Description: This course extends and deepens the topics covered in physics and includes a strong emphasis on field and laboratory investigations. In addition, this course includes problem solving with a focus on advanced mathematical applications and may include research activities in preparation for Physics AP.
Course No. 3433
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: NEISD Recommended: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Algebra I
Special Notes: This course may count as a Laboratory Science or as an Advanced Science on Foundation and Endorsement Graduation Plans.
Course Description: Science and Technology (SciTech) is a high-level, hands-on science and engineering course. Through self and peer evaluation, SciTech requires students to interact verbally, in writing, and through improving the performance of devices.
Course No. 3909
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Social Studies
Course Description: This is a first-year college level course in Comparative Government. Comparative government and politics provide students with the conceptual tools necessary to develop an understanding of some of the world's diverse political structures and practices. This course will encompass the study of selected countries and their governments and general concepts used to interpret the political relationships and institutions found in virtually all national politics. The countries of Great Britain, France,
Course No. 4826
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This is a first-year college level course in European History. It is designed to teach students the analytical skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in European History. Students will learn to assess historical materials - their reliability, and the importance - and to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. Students will be expected to demonstrate individual initiative continually through independent researc
Course No. 4221
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World Geography and World History
Special Notes: This course does not fulfill the World History graduation requirement.
Course Description: This is a first-year college level course in Geography. An introduction to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, and the use and alteration of earth's surface. Students employ spatial concept and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences.
Course No. 4122
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This is a first-year college level course in Geography. An introduction to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, and the use and alteration of earth's surface. Students employ spatial concept and landscape analysis to examine human social organization and its environmental consequences.
Course No. 4123
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This is a first-year college level course in Economics. Macro-Economics is intended to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. This course places particular emphasis on the study of national income and price determination and will also develop the students' familiarity with economic performance measures, economic growth and international economics. It is recommended that a student first successfully complete either Econom
Course No. 4811
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This is an introductory college course in Economics. This course is intended to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic system. It places primary emphasis on the nature and functions of the product markets and includes the study of factor markets and the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy.
Course No. 4812
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This is an introductory college course in psychology, providing students with a learning experience commensurate with a college introductory course. This course will introduce students to the systemic and scientific study of behavior and mental processes of human beings and animals. They will be exposed to major sub fields within psychological pedagogy. This course is ideally suited for those students planning a major in Liberal Arts at the college level, or for those who are seeking advance sta
Course No. 4829
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: AP Research is an interdisciplinary course that encourages student to demonstrate critical thinking and encourages academic research skills on a topic of student’s choosing. Building on learned skills in AP Seminar, students deeply explore an academic problem, topic, or issue of individual interest. Students will design, plan and conduct a year-long research based investigation to address research question.
Course No. 4131
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: AP Seminar
Special Notes:
Course Description: AP Seminar is a foundational course that engages students in cross-curricular conversations that explore the complexities of academic and real-world topics and issues by analyzing divergent perspectives. Students learn to investigate a problem or issue, analyze arguments, compare different perspectives, synthesize information from multiple sources, and work alone and in a group to communicate their ideas.
Course No. 4130
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: This is a first-year college level course in American Government. The course is designed to examine, in depth, the foundations of the American political system through an extensive review of the nation's Constitution, its three branches of government, the policy making process of the government, the growth and development of political institutions and parties, the influence of the bureaucracy and media on policy making and a study of state and local government structures. Emphasis in the course
Course No. 4350
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This is a college-level course that covers U.S. History from exploration to current times. The course is designed to cover U.S. historical, cultural, social, and political events that have played a significant part in the development of the history of the United States. This course is ideally suited for those students planning to major in Liberal Arts at the college level or for those who are seeking advanced standing in college studies through the passage of the Advanced Placement Exam, CLEP or
Course No. 4115
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This is a first-year college level course in History. AP World History is designed to develop a greater understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts in interaction with different types of human societies. The course highlights the nature of changes in international frameworks and its cause and consequences, as well as comparisons among major societies. This course emphasizes relevant factual knowledge deployed in conjunction with leading interpretive issues and types of histor
Course No. 4215
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World Geography
Special Notes: This course does satisfies graduation requirements
Course Description: A survey of physical and cultural human development. In a seminar setting, the course will introduce the student to the four major branches of Anthropology: physical, social (cultural), linguistics and archaeology.
Course No. 4828
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World Geography or World History
Special Notes: Please be advised that the theory of human evolution will be discussed in this course.
Course Description: Economics introduces students to the principles, models, and conditions that influence how consumers, businesses, governments, and workers make and evaluate economic decisions. The course places emphasis on microeconomics concepts and quantitative reasoning as students employ logic, mathematics, and technology to interpret basic statistics and apply economic analysis. It also features macroeconomics topics and personal financial literacy content in addition to core concepts including scarcity
Course No. 4819
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: World Geography or World History, and Algebra II (recommended or concurrent enrollment.)
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course provides opportunities for students to study basic principles concerning production, consumption and distribution of goods and services. Content builds an understanding of the essential components and benefits of the free enterprise system. Students study such concepts as scarcity, economic interdependence, the market system, prices, economic stability and growth. Students examine the role of government in the American economic system and explore selected aspects of international eco
Course No. 4822
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World Geography, World History, and US History
Special Notes: This course satisfies graduation requirements.
Course Description: In Ethnic Studies: African American Studies, students learn about the history and cultural contributions of African Americans. This course is designed to assist students in understanding issues and events from multiple perspectives. This course develops an understanding of the historical roots of African American culture, especially as it pertains to social, economic, and political interactions within the broader context of United States history. It requires an analysis of important ideas, socia
Course No. 4223
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: In Ethnic Studies: Mexican American Studies, an elective course, students learn about the historical economic, political, scientific, and cultural contributions of Mexican Americans to the United States of America. Students explore history, economics, politics, and culture from an interdisciplinary perspective. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize and use information acquired from a variety of sources to analyze contemporary Mexican American issues. This course emphasizes eve
Course No. 4222
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Personal Financial Literacy will help students learn to make sound, informed financial decisions. Personal Financial Literacy is designed to be an interactive and research-based course. The course will teach students to apply critical-thinking and problem- solving skills to decisions involving earning and spending money, saving and investing money, credit and borrowing, insuring and protecting, and college and post-secondary education and training. In this course students will learn how to apply
Course No. 4815
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: The Personal Financial Literacy and Economics Course emphasize the economic way of thinking, which serves as a framework for the personal financial decision-making opportunities introduced in the course. It is an integrative course that applies the same economic way of thinking developed to making choices about how to allocate scarce resources in an economy to how to make them at the personal level. The course requires that students demonstrate critical thinking by exploring how to invest in t
Course No. 4820
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: World Geography or World History
Special Notes:
Course Description: The study of psychology is based on an historical framework that relies on effective collection and analysis of data. Students study such topics as theories of human development, personality, motivation and learning. This course gives students the opportunity to study individual and group psychology. Students learn how the knowledge, methods and theories of psychologists apply to analyzing human behavior. Course content is organized to help students develop critical attitudes toward superficial
Course No. 4830
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course includes the nature of sociology, culture, socialization, groups and institutions, communications and cultural development and change. The concepts will remain constant; however, the content may vary depending on student interest. The students will have an opportunity to explore the major tools of the science of sociology. These will include, but are not limited to, analyzing types of groups and interaction among groups, understanding the impact of media on groups and analyzing the i
Course No. 4831
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Students in Model UN are expected to prepare for and attend a national or international level conference. Students are required to compile a detailed briefing of an assigned nation's foreign policy, recent political history and domestic and international issues that the assigned nation considers of immediate importance. Students are also expected to become an expert on one area of international importance. Research completed on this issue will become the background documentation for use during a
Course No. 4835
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Building on the first-year course, students in Model UN II are expected to prepare for and attend a national or international level conference. Students are required to compile a detailed briefing of an assigned nation's foreign policy, recent political history, and domestic and international issues that the assigned nation considers of immediate importance. Students are also expected to become an expert on one area of international importance. Research completed on this issue will become the ba
Course No. 4850
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Students will build an understanding of the myriad of issues on the world's agenda, and the role played by each Model UN representative when discussing international issues. Students will select topics for and participate in at least one school-based Model UN conference simulation. Their participation requires that they chair one committee. The student will also prepare for at least one national or international conference, acting as the coordinating or lead delegate. The student will review a r
Course No. 4851
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: An advanced level sociology course in which topics change according to current and relevant issues. The course studies sociology as a discipline within the Social Studies framework. Current events are an integral part of the course, along with the definition, theory and interpretation of social problems.
Course No. 4832
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Sociology
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course is designed to immerse students in the study of a region of the world (ex. Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle East) including its history, culture, language and political structures. This course can be repeated with different area focuses as long as the student does not exceed 2.0 credits in all Special Topic courses.
Course No. 4854
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World History
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course is designed to immerse students in the study of a region of the world including its history, culture, language and political structures.
Course No. 4838
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Many recent events have greatly influenced our thinking about the United States, its culture, government, and role in the world. Some of these events are the use of the atomic bomb on Japan to end World War II, the communist witch-hunts of the 1950s (McCarthyism) the Cold War, the assassinations of the 1960s, the Vietnam War, Watergate, the collapse of the Soviet empire, the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, and the resulting war on terrorism. This one-semester course will explore these e
Course No. 4845
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This is an advanced social studies course combining the principles of economics, ethics, and entrepreneurship. Economy is our framework for cooperation. The study of entrepreneurship revolves around the skills and aptitudes necessary to leverage initiative into successful outcomes, whether as a small business owner, an employee, or a volunteer. Ethics is the subject of how to live in the world so that it is better with us than without us. How do we harness self-interest so that it creates value
Course No. 4821
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: In this course, students will examine and explore current events (one for each nine weeks). Students will research and analyze the geographic, historical and cultural aspects of the topic and predict how today's events will impact tomorrow.
Course No. 4849
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This course is designed so that students will study a social issue in depth and relate it to their own local community. This is an advanced social studies course in which topics may change year to year according to current and relevant issues. To understand issues, students will explore the culture, geography, and history of the course topics.
Course No. 4839
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World Geography or AP Human Geography
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course utilizes an international approach to examining the yearly issues/topics being addressed by the United Nations. Students will conduct extensive research on topics of international concern and will practice, in simulations, the United Nations deliberations through programs in the United States and Mexico.
Course No. 4847
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Modern East Asia Studies is a college-level course that covers developments in China, Japan, Korea and to a lesser extent, Central Asia and Indochina in the modern era. The course will begin with the end of the Mongol period and advance to present times. The objective will be for students to achieve an understanding of the cultural traditions and events that shape Asian responses to European Imperialism. The course will conclude with a view of the idea of the Twenty-First Century as the Pacific
Course No. 4855
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World Geography or AP Human Geography
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course is designed to provide an introduction to philosophy. The arguments of both ancient and modern philosophers will be studied, and students will develop their own responses to philosophical questions in reference to life, the universe, morality and the nature of man.
Course No. 4837
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course introduces the military history of the United States through a survey of its pivotal wars. The course includes an overview of each war, its important battles, the strategies and tactics of the opposing forces and a look at the individuals involved in each conflict. Topics will include colonial wars, the Revolution, the War of 1812, the US-Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War and major Indian wars.
Course No. 4856
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This course introduces the military history of the United States through a survey of its pivotal wars. The course includes an overview of each war, its important battles, the strategies and tactics of the opposing forces and a look at the individuals involved in each conflict. Topics will include World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the First and Second Gulf Wars.
Course No. 4857
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: This course is designed to prepare students for successful completion of the US History EOC exam. The five STAAR objectives are re-taught using a variety of instructional methods to include classroom instruction and computer-based instruction. Instruction will be designed to meet the learning needs of each individual student.
Course No. 1008
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: In this course, which is the second part of a two-year study of United States history that begins in grade 8, students study the history of the United States since Reconstruction to the present. Historical content focuses on the political, economic and social events and issues related to industrialization and urbanization, major wars, domestic and foreign policies of the Cold War and post-Cold War eras and reform movements including civil rights. Students examine the impact of geographic factors
Course No. 4113
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Prerequisites: World Geography and World History
Special Notes:
Course Description: In U.S. Government, the focus is on the principles and beliefs upon which the United States was founded and on the structure, function and powers of government at the national, state and local levels. This course is the culmination of the civic and governmental content and concepts studies from kindergarten through required secondary courses. This course provides an opportunity to study in depth the foundation of the United States political system; to analyze the political institutions, processe
Course No. 4346
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World Geography and World History
Special Notes:
Course Description: In this course, students explore the scope and depth of the American experience. Students engage with course material both independently and collaboratively to develop critical thinking skills, analyze evidence-based historical narratives, and conduct archival research. Each unit consists of primary and secondary sources that challenge students to uncover the complexities within the historical study. The first half of the course surveys America from its colonial beginnings through the Civil Wa
Course No. 4119
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: and High School English I/English II (concurrent enrollment)
Special Notes: This course does satisfy U.S. History credit for graduation
Course Description: Students examine people, places, and environments at local, regional, national and international scales from the spatial and ecological perspectives of geography. Students describe the influence of geography on events of the past and present. A significant portion of the course centers around the physical processes that shape patterns in the physical environment; the characteristics of major landforms, climates and ecosystems and interrelationships; the political, economic and social processes t
Course No. 4120
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course offers an overview of the entire history of humankind. The major emphasis is on the study of significant people, events and issues from the earliest times to the present. Traditional historical points of reference in world history are identified as students analyze important events and issues. Students examine the impact of geographic factors on major historic events and identify the historic origins of contemporary economic systems. Students analyze the process by which democratic-r
Course No. 4213
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Recommended: World Geography or AP Human Geography
Special Notes:
Special Education
Course Description: This program is designed for students who require significant modification to the PE TEKS as determined by ARD committee. Individualized testing and instruction include developmental games, remedial exercises, motor tasks, special exercises as prescribed by a physician or physical therapist, and recreational skills for leisure sports.
Course No. 7203
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Adaptive Skills (18-21) courses focus on self-determination, scheduling, and participating in a community based personal or recreational activity with direct instruction in the community toward the student's post-secondary goals.
Course No. 7811
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Algebra I is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Algebra I through an alternate curriculum. Students learn to use a variety of representations, tools and technology to solve meaningful problems.
Course No. 2001
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Algebraic Reasoning is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education course setting incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Algebra II through an alternate curriculum. Students study algebraic concepts and their relationships. They will learn to use a variety of representations, tools and technology to solve meaningful problems.
Course No. 2004
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Biology is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Biology through an alternate curriculum. Student investigations include observations, collection of data, data analysis and some laboratory investigations.
Course No. 3001
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Chemistry is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Chemistry through an alternate curriculum. Student investigations include observations, collection of data, data analysis and some laboratory investigations.
Course No. 3003
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Communication Applications will focus on helping students develop the fundamental skills necessary to communicate effectively in a variety of modes with an emphasis on listening, speaking, discussing, planning, presenting and assessing. In this special education setting, the students will develop the skills to assist them in becoming an effective communicator in the classroom, on the job and/or in the community.
Course No. 5808
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Daily Living is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires this course. This special education setting course focuses on development of daily living skills and self-help in order to foster independence.
Course No. 7824
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Course Description: ALE Economics is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Economics through an alternate curriculum. This course provides opportunities for students to study basic principles concerning production, consumption and distribution of goods and services.
Course No. 4005
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE English I is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course is designed to teach functional English skills related to everyday living experiences. English I incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for English I through an alternate curriculum. Areas covered throughout the year include reading/literary study, writing, o
Course No. 1011
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE English II is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course is designed to teach functional English skills related to everyday living experiences. English II incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for English II through an alternate curriculum. Areas covered throughout the year include reading/literary study, writing
Course No. 1012
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE English III is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course is designed to teach functional English skills related to everyday living experiences. English III incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for English III through an alternate curriculum. Areas covered throughout the year include reading/literary study, writ
Course No. 1013
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE English IV is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires this course. This special education setting course is designed to teach functional English skills related to everyday living experiences. English IV incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for English IV through an alternate curriculum. Areas covered throughout the year include reading/literary study, wr
Course No. 1014
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Environmental Science is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Environmental Science through an alternate curriculum. This course is designed to enable a better understanding of man's impact on his surroundings and the environmental needs of the future.
Course No. 3004
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Geometry is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Geometry through an alternate curriculum. Geometry students solve meaningful problems using geometric ideas, relationships and properties.
Course No. 2002
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Government is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Government through an alternate curriculum. In Government, the focus is on the principles and beliefs upon which the United States was founded and on the structure, function and powers of government at the national,
Course No. 4004
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Health is a special education setting course designed to address health issues including personal hygiene, emotions, behavior, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, CPR, sex education, and safety as appropriate for each student and as determined by the ARD/IEP committee.
Course No. 7106
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE IPC is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for IPC through an alternate curriculum. Student investigations include observations, collection of data, data analysis and some laboratory investigations.
Course No. 3002
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Math Models is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for Math Models through an alternate curriculum. In this course, students learn to use mathematical methods to model and solve real-life applied problems involving money, data, chance, patterns, music, design and scien
Course No. 2003
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Reading I is designed to teach the student functional reading skills related to everyday living experiences. Emphasis is placed on development of basic reading skills, reading comprehension and learning signs and symbols used in the community.
Course No. 1625
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Reading II is designed to teach the student functional reading skills related to everyday living experiences and post-secondary goals. Strong emphasis will be placed on sight word recognition, vocabulary development and comprehension skills. TEKS, pacing and materials will be modified to meet individual needs of the student.
Course No. 1626
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Reading III is designed to teach the student functional reading skills related to everyday living experiences and post-secondary goals. Strong emphasis will be placed on sight word recognition, vocabulary development and comprehension skills. TEKS, pacing and materials will be modified to meet individual needs of the student.
Course No. 1627
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE Reading IV is designed to teach the student functional reading skills related to everyday living experiences and post-secondary goals. Strong emphasis will be placed on sight word recognition, vocabulary development and comprehension skills. Technology and assistive technology will be used to bring the written word to students whose disability prevents them from reading in the traditional manner. TEKS, pacing and materials will be modified to meet individual needs of the student.
Course No. 1628
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE US History is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for US History through an alternate curriculum. The course is designed to cover U.S. historical, cultural, social and political events that have played a significant part in the development of the history of the United
Course No. 4003
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE World Geography is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills for World Geography through an alternate curriculum. Students examine people, places, and environments on local, regional, national and international scales. Students use problem-solving and decision-making skills
Course No. 4001
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: ALE World History is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined the student requires this course. This special education setting course incorporates the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills of World History which are vertically aligned to prerequisite skills through an alternate curriculum. This course offers an overview of the history of humankind to include the study of significant people, events and issues from the earliest times to the present.
Course No. 4002
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course is designed for students who are mainstreamed into a majority of general education classes. In this special education setting class, students receive remedial or tutorial assistance with their subjects. Emphasis is placed on developing study skills, organizational skills, problem-solving, communication and decision-making skills. In addition, students may receive support in coping with everyday problems through discussion or time-out periods.
Course No. 7806
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9
Course Description: This course is designed for students who are mainstreamed into a majority of general education classes. In this special education setting class, students receive remedial or tutorial assistance with their subjects. Emphasis is placed on developing study skills, organizational skills, problem-solving, communication and decision-making skills. In addition, students may receive support in coping with everyday problems through discussion or time-out periods.
Course No. 7807
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: This course is designed for students who are mainstreamed into a majority of general education classes. In this special education setting class, students receive remedial or tutorial assistance with their subjects. Emphasis is placed on developing study skills, organizational skills, problem-solving, communication and decision-making skills. In addition, students may receive support in coping with everyday problems through discussion or time-out periods.
Course No. 7808
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Course Description: This course is designed for students who are mainstreamed into a majority of general education classes. In this special education setting class, students receive remedial or tutorial assistance with their subjects. Emphasis is placed on developing study skills, organizational skills, problem-solving, communication and decision-making skills. In addition, students may receive support in coping with everyday problems through discussion or time-out periods.
Course No. 7809
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Community courses provide direct instruction of functional academics and adaptive/developmental skills in the student’s natural environment in alignment with the student's post-secondary goals.
Course No. 7871
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: Age 18+
Course Description: Domestics (18-21) courses focus on direct instruction of independent living skills and/or budgeting and money management skills in the community in alignment with the student's post-secondary goals.
Course No. 7892
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: Age 18+
Course Description: Work-Based Learning courses are delivered through classroom and campus jobs that emphasize development of skills necessary for employment and will lead to the student's post-secondary goals. These courses prepare students for off-campus job sites and emphasize the development of skills necessary for placement in a work setting for students in special education Activities will include a combination of school and community-based instructional settings. Local employers provide training, NEISD Job C
Course No. 7848
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10
Course Description: Navigating Life with Hearing Loss is for students receiving special education services whose ARD committee has determined that the student requires the course. In this special education setting class, students will receive the necessary information, resources, and opportunities that will empower students who are deaf or hard of hearing to effectively apply information and skills learned in educational, home, and community settings in order to facilitate achievement in secondary and postsecondary
Course No. 7801
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: This course is designed to teach the student functional reading skills related to everyday living experiences. Typically, a carefully sequenced, highly repetitive sight word approach is used. Emphasis is placed on development of basic reading skills, reading comprehension, and learning signs and symbols used in the community.
Course No. 1620
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Work-Based Learning courses are delivered through classroom and campus jobs that emphasize development of skills necessary for employment and will lead to the student's post-secondary goals. These courses prepare students for off-campus job sites and emphasize the development of skills necessary for placement in a work setting for students in special education Activities will include a combination of school and community-based instructional settings. Local employers provide training, NEISD Job C
Course No. 7849
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11
Course Description: Work-Based Learning courses are delivered through classroom and campus jobs that emphasize development of skills necessary for employment and will lead to the student's post-secondary goals. These courses prepare students for off-campus job sites and emphasize the development of skills necessary for placement in a work setting for students in special education Activities will include a combination of school and community-based instructional settings. Local employers provide training, NEISD Job C
Course No. 4850
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Course Description: Work-Based Learning courses are delivered through classroom and campus jobs that emphasize development of skills necessary for employment and will lead to the student's post-secondary goals. These courses prepare students for off-campus job sites and emphasize the development of skills necessary for placement in a work setting for students in special education Activities will include a combination of school and community-based instructional settings. Local employers provide training, NEISD Job C
Course No. 4851
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: Age 18+
Course Description: Community Transportation will focus on helping students research and access public transportation options in their respective communities. Areas addressed include pedestrian and rider safety, navigation public transportation systems, use of technology and general social skills.
Course No. 7825
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr
Grades Plc.: 11-12
World Languages
Course Description: American Sign Language I is the first course of a recommended three-year sequence designed to develop fundamental language necessary to develop receptive and expressive skills. The culture and heritage of the hearing-impaired community is integrated into all aspects of the course. Student will develop confidence in using ASL to describe familiar topics such as family, hobbies, and school life. By the end of the first year of world language study, students should be able to understand and communi
Course No. 5451
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: American Sign Language II is a continuation of the development of the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary, grammatical structures, and syntax on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. In addition to understanding the deaf culture, students will learn how to interact competently and comfortably with hearing-impaired individuals. By the end of the second year of world language, students should be able to understa
Course No. 5452
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: American Sign Language I
Special Notes: This course may count towards World Languages credit.
Course Description: American Sign Language II is an expansion of the ASL II curriculum and challenges students to develop a higher level of proficiency across the modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary, grammatical structures, and syntax on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. In addition to understanding the deaf culture, students will learn how to interact competently and comfortably with hearing-impaired individuals. By the end of the
Course No. 5450
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: American Sign Language I
Special Notes: This course may count towards World Languages credit.
Course Description: The American Sign Language III Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary, grammatical structures, and syntax on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. In addition to understanding the deaf culture, students will learn how to interact competently and comfortably with hearing-impaired individuals. By the end of the third year of world language, students should be
Course No. 5453
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: American Sign Language II or American Sign Language II Honors
Special Notes: This course may count towards World Languages credit.
Course Description: The American Sign Language IV Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication via receptive and expressive skills. Students will continue to learn vocabulary, grammatical structures, and syntax on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday situations. In addition to understanding the deaf culture, students will learn how to interact competently and comfortably with hearing-impaired individuals. By the end of the fourth year of world lan
Course No. 5454
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: American Sign Language III or American Sign Language III Honors
Special Notes: This course may count towards World Languages credit.
Course Description: The Advanced Placement Chinese Language course is the equivalent of a third-year college course in advanced Chinese composition and conversation. It encompasses aural/oral skills, reading comprehension, grammar and composition. The course will emphasize the use of Chinese for active communication and has the following objectives: 1) the ability to comprehend formal and informal spoken and written Chinese; 2) the acquisition of vocabulary and a grasp of language structure to allow the comprehensi
Course No. 5457
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Mandarin Chinese III Honors
Special Notes: District Program offered at LEE High School. Academic transfer available to District Program at LEE and Reagan High School. See counselor for information.
Course Description: Mandarin Chinese I is the first course of a recommended three-year sequence designed to develop fundamental language across the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication. The culture and civilization of the Mandarin Chinese- speaking world is integrated into all aspects of the course. Student will develop confidence in using spoken Mandarin Chinese to describe familiar topics such as family, hobbies, and school life. By the end of the first year of world language stu
Course No. 5445
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Mandarin Chinese II is a continuation of the development of the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Chinese-speaking world. By the end of the second year of world language, students should be able to understand and communicate in the target langua
Course No. 5446
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Mandarin Chinese I
Special Notes: Course available at LEE and Reagan High Schools. Academic transfer available to District Program at LEE High School. See counselor for information.
Course Description: Mandarin Chinese II Honors is an expansion of the Mandarin Chinese II curriculum and challenges students to develop a higher level of proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Chinese-speaking world. By the end of the second year of H
Course No. 5447
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Mandarin Chinese I
Special Notes: Course available at LEE and Reagan High Schools. Academic transfer available to District Program at LEE High School. See counselor for information.
Course Description: The Mandarin Chinese III Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Chinese- speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the third year of Honors wo
Course No. 5456
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Mandarin Chinese II or Mandarin Chinese II Honors
Special Notes: Course available at LEE and Reagan High Schools. Academic transfer available to District Program at LEE High School. See counselor for information.
Course Description: This course will explore different languages and cultures through a project-based curriculum. This course will fulfill the graduation requirements for World Languages, but it will not count as a level II World Languages course and will not fulfill requirements for an endorsement. Students taking this course should contact the admissions office of their preferred college or university as it may not meet admissions requirements for all institutions of higher learning. Admission to this course is o
Course No. 5440
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: The Advanced Placement French Language course is the equivalent of a third-year college course in advanced French composition and conversation. It encompasses aural/oral skills, reading comprehension, grammar and composition. The course will emphasize the use of French for active communication and has the following objectives: 1) the ability to comprehend formal and informal spoken French; 2) the acquisition of vocabulary and a grasp of language structure to allow the easy, accurate reading of n
Course No. 5045
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: French III or French III Honors, or French IV Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: French I is the first course of a recommended three-year sequence designed to develop fundamental language across the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication. The culture and civilization of the French-speaking world is integrated into all aspects of the course. Student will develop confidence in using spoken French to describe familiar topics such as family, hobbies, and school life. By the end of the first year of world language study, students should be able to
Course No. 5013
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: French II is a continuation of the development of the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the French-speaking world. By the end of the second year of world language, students should be able to understand and communicate in the target language at a nov
Course No. 5023
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: French I
Special Notes:
Course Description: French II Honors is an expansion of the French II curriculum and challenges students to develop a higher level of proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the French-speaking world. By the end of the second year of Honors world language,
Course No. 5024
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: French I
Special Notes:
Course Description: The French III Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the French-speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the third year of Honors world language
Course No. 5034
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: French II or French II Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The French IV Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics necessary to communicate in everyday situations. Students will continue to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the French-speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the fourth year of world language, students should be ab
Course No. 5044
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: French III or French III Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The fifth year of French is an independent study course designed to continue the reading, writing, analysis and criticism of selected works in French. The skills of listening and speaking with fluency and accuracy are highly developed. This course should prepare students for advanced level study at the college/university level.
Course No. 5054
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: French IV, French IV Honors, or AP French Language
Special Notes:
Course Description: The Advanced Placement German Language course is the equivalent of a third-year college course in advanced German composition and conversation. It encompasses aural/oral skills, reading, comprehension, grammar and composition. The course will emphasize the use of German for active communication and has the following objectives: 1) the ability to comprehend formal and informal spoken German; 2) the acquisition of vocabulary and a grasp of language structure to allow the easy, accurate reading of
Course No. 5145
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: German III or German III Honors, or German IV Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: German I is the first course of a recommended three-year sequence designed to develop fundamental language across the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication. The culture and civilization of the German-speaking world is integrated into all aspects of the course. Student will develop confidence in using spoken German to describe familiar topics such as family, hobbies, and school life. By the end of the first year of world language study, students should be able to
Course No. 5113
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: German II is a continuation of the development of the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the German-speaking world. By the end of the second year of world language, students should be able to understand and communicate in the target language at a nov
Course No. 5123
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: German I
Special Notes:
Course Description: German II Honors is an expansion of the German II curriculum and challenges students to develop a higher level of proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the German-speaking world. By the end of the second year of Honors world language,
Course No. 5124
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: German I
Special Notes:
Course Description: The German III Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the German-speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the third year of Honors world language
Course No. 5134
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: German II or German II Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The German IV Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics necessary to communicate in everyday situations. Students will continue to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the German-speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the fourth year of world language, students should be ab
Course No. 5144
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: German III or German II Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The Advanced Placement Japanese Language course is the equivalent of a third-year college course in advanced Japanese composition and conversation. It encompasses aural/oral skills, reading comprehension, grammar and composition. The course will emphasize the use of Japanese for active communication and has the following objectives: 1) the ability to comprehend formal and informal spoken and written Japanese; 2) the acquisition of vocabulary and a grasp of language structure to allow the compreh
Course No. 5444
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Japanese III or Japanese III Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: Japanese I is the first course of a recommended three-year sequence designed to develop fundamental language across the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication. The culture and civilization of the Japanese-speaking world is integrated into all aspects of the course. Student will develop confidence in using spoken Japanese to describe familiar topics such as family, hobbies, and school life. By the end of the first year of world language study, students should be ab
Course No. 5413
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Japanese II is a continuation of the development of the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Japanese-speaking world. By the end of the second year of world language, students should be able to understand and communicate in the target language at a
Course No. 5423
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Japanese I Japanese I
Special Notes:
Course Description: Japanese II Honors is an expansion of the Japanese II curriculum and challenges students to develop a higher level of proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Japanese-speaking world. By the end of the second year of Honors world lan
Course No. 5424
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Japanese I Japanese I
Special Notes:
Course Description: The Japanese III Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Japanese-speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the third year of Honors world lang
Course No. 5434
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Japanese II or II Honors Japanese II or Japanese II Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: Latin Advanced Placement focuses on the reading and study of the Aeneid by Vergil and De Bello Gallico by Caesar. Students will be expected to develop the skills necessary to translate accurately from passages of Vergil and Caesar and to demonstrate knowledge of the grammatical structures and vocabulary. Students will also be required to analyze passages from the epic demonstrating and understanding of Vergil's literary techniques and use of meter, as well as Caesar's literary technique in writi
Course No. 5252
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Latin III, III Honors or IV Honors Latin III or Latin III Honors, or Latin IV Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: Latin IV Honors focuses on the reading and study of selections of Latin literature. Students will become familiar with Latin literary conventions and the individual styles of the authors studied. The study of Roman culture continues to develop from the readings.
Course No. 5244
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Latin III or III Honors Latin III or Latin III Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: This is a word power course designed to improve the student's vocabulary through the study of English prefixes, roots, and suffixes derived from Latin. The course helps to prepare students for college entrance examinations and college-level reading as well as familiarizing them with the terminologies for law, medicine and science. This course may be taken for elective credit.
Course No. 5255
Credits: 0.5
Term: SEM
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Course Description: Latin I is the first course of a recommended three-year sequence designed to develop fundamental language across the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication. Vocabulary and grammar are studied in the context of reading passages into which cultural information has been carefully integrated. While the primary emphasis of Latin is on reading, students will learn how to pronounce Latin correctly in order to read passages and answer question about passages. By the end o
Course No. 5213
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Latin II is a continuation of the development of the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures to support comprehension of more complicated passages. Oral Latin is a skill used to help students understand reading selections. Cultural and world studies continue to be an integral part of the course. By the end of the second year of world language, students should be able to understand and communicate in the target language at a novice high
Course No. 5223
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 44846
Prerequisites: Latin I
Special Notes:
Course Description: Latin II Honors is an expansion of the Latin II curriculum and challenges students to develop a higher level of proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures to support comprehension of more complicated passages. Oral Latin is a skill used to help students understand reading selections. Cultural and world studies continue to be an integral part of the course. By the end of the second year of Honors world language, students
Course No. 5224
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Latin I
Special Notes:
Course Description: The Latin III Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures to support comprehension of more complicated passages. Oral Latin is a skill used to help students understand reading selections. Cultural and world studies continue to be an integral part of the course. By the end of the third year of Honors world language, students should be able to understand and communicate in the target la
Course No. 5234
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Latin II or Latin II Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: Advanced Placement Spanish Language covers the equivalent of a third-year college course in advanced Spanish composition and conversation. It encompasses aural/oral skills, reading comprehension, grammar and composition. The course will emphasize the use of Spanish for active communication and has the following objectives: (1) the ability to comprehend formal and informal spoken Spanish; (2) the acquisition of vocabulary and a grasp of structure to allow the easy accurate reading of newspaper an
Course No. 5345
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Spanish III or higher
Special Notes:
Course Description: The AP Spanish Literature course prepares students to take the Advanced Placement Spanish Literature Exam. The students read and analyze the works of specified authors orally and in writing. A high degree of fluency in Spanish is necessary for success in this course.
Course No. 5346
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: AP Spanish Language or Spanish V Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: Spanish I is the first course of a recommended three-year sequence designed to develop fundamental language across the interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational modes of communication. The culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world is integrated into all aspects of the course. Student will develop confidence in using spoken Spanish to describe familiar topics such as family, hobbies, and school life. By the end of the first year of world language study, students should be able
Course No. 5313
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Spanish II is a continuation of the development of the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world. By the end of the second year of world language, students should be able to understand and communicate in the target language at a n
Course No. 5323
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: Spanish II Honors is an expansion of the Spanish II curriculum and challenges students to develop a higher level of proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world. By the end of the second year of Honors world langua
Course No. 5324
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Spanish I
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course is designed for students who already have an ability to understand and speak Spanish. The emphasis of the instruction will be to expand the students' existing oral proficiency and to develop the skills of reading and writing Spanish so that they can communicate more successfully in social and business situations.
Course No. 5315
Credits: 2
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Course Description: The Spanish III course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the third year of world language, students s
Course No. 5333
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: \ Spanish II or Spanish II Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The Spanish III Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics of interest necessary to communicate in everyday, realistic situations. Students will also expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the third year of Honors world langua
Course No. 5334
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Spanish II or II Honors Spanish II or Spanish II Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: This course is designed for students who have successfully completed Spanish for Spanish Speakers. The emphasis will be to expand further the students' oral proficiency and to continue the development of skills in reading and writing through the use of contemporary literature.
Course No. 5332
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: Spanish II Native Honors
Special Notes: Students who successfully complete this course will have credit for Spanish I, II and III and may continue to improve their command of the language in Spanish IV Honors or Spanish AP.
Course Description: The Spanish IV Honors course continues to strengthen proficiency in the three modes of communication. Students will continue to learn vocabulary and grammatical structures on familiar topics necessary to communicate in everyday situations. Students will continue to expand their knowledge and appreciation of the culture and civilization of the Spanish-speaking world through reading, listening, and viewing of authentic materials. By the end of the fourth year of world language, students should be
Course No. 5344
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 11-12
Prerequisites: Spanish III or Spanish III Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The Spanish V H course is a college preparatory course that provides an additional year to refine the language and literary analysis skills needed for the AP Spanish Literature course. Students are expected to have and Intermediate High proficiency level in all three modes of communication.
Course No. 5354
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 9-12
Prerequisites: AP Spanish Language or Spanish IV Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The sixth year of Spanish is an independent study course designed to continue the reading, writing, and analysis of literary works and other sources in Spanish. The skills of listening and speaking with fluency and accuracy are highly developed. This course should prepare students for advanced level study at the college/university level.
Course No. 5364
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 10-12
Prerequisites: Spanish V Honors
Special Notes:
Course Description: The Spanish VII Honors course is an independent study course designed to continue reading, writing, and analysis of literary works and other sources in Spanish. Students are expected to move throughout the modes of communication with fluency and accuracy. This course should prepare students for advanced level study at the college/university level.
Course No. 5374
Credits: 1
Term: Full Yr.
Grades Plc.: 12
Prerequisites: AP Spanish Literature
Special Notes: