• Transparency in Libraries

  • NEISD strives to ensure transparency for parents regarding campus library books.  We endeavor to strengthen every NEISD student's educational experience. We acknowledge parents play a pivotal role in their children's education, and we affirm a parent’s role in determining what is appropriate for their student. 

    As we have worked to enhance our partnership with parents, we have created multiple avenues to collect input. We welcome information from parents and want to work together as we continue to build and improve our library programs.

  • hand on library books

    NEISD Library Book Concerns

    • To ensure we follow all state guidelines, we ask you to see something, say something.   
    • If you have a concern about NEISD library material, submit your library material concern here.  

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    Checkout History 

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    Parent Opt-outs for Library Books

    • NEISD libraries offer a wide range of library materials to support student achievement. To affirm a parent’s role in determining what library materials are appropriate for their child, the District established a means for parents/guardians to choose their child’s level of access, the Library Opt-Out form. The Library Opt-Out form may be accessed by clicking Skyward Family Access on the NEISD homepage, www.neisd.net. 

    • Click to learn How to Make Opt-Out Selections for Your Child(ren)
    • Explanations of Levels (Juvenile, Young Adult, and Adult) 
           *The Older Audience collection no longer exists.

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    Maintenance of NEISD Library Collections

    • Weeding is a routine function of all libraries. This process involves regularly rotating titles best to serve the needs of NEISD students and staff. It includes removing titles with low circulation, replacing titles that include outdated information or do not meet our selection criteria, and replacing damaged books. 
    • Click here to view a list of all the NEISD library materials weeded from NEISD library collections this school year.  You may use the filter to search for specific titles.
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    NEISD Book Challenges or Requests for Reconsideration