Phone: 361-878-8469


Degrees and Certifications:

California University of Pennsylvania Bachelors of Science Education Masters of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) Education Certifications: General Education K-6

Ms. Kirsten Leonard

Welcome to 6th grade science with Ms.Leonard! This is my fourth year of teaching here at Ed White and I am so excited for this year to begin. I believe in everyone sustaining a growth mindset, of which everyone accepts that there is always more to learn and that giving up should not be an option. I love including technology and new interactive methods in my teaching in the classroom. I am excited to learn from my new students and families this year, so never hesitate to reach out to me. Let's have an amazing year!


* conference period 5 - 12:30 - 1:10

* 6th grade science content: speed, force and motion, energy resources, layers of the Earth, the planets/space, geology-rocks, plate tectonics, chemistry-periodic table of elements

* Tutoring times: Thursdays: 745-815. Thursdays 340-420.