• A Word About Pediculosis (a.k.a. Lice)

    NEISD policies on lice infestations reflect modern understandings of the health risks lice carry as well as the outcomes on education caused by exclusion from class time. 

    Lice have a robust immune system and are not a vector for any disease. Beyond the infestation, itchiness, and general "ickiness" factor there are no health risks associated with a lice infestation.

    On the other hand, it is widely accepted, that exclusion from school can have a multitude of negative effects on a student's educational outcomes. 

    Current policy is to screen any symptomatic student, notify parents of every student in a classroom when a positive case of lice is found, and notify the parents of the student who is positive for lice. This student must receive a treatment and visit the clinic prior to returning to class, but may return as soon as a treatment is completed. 

    For more information on management of lice and the position of the state of Texas regarding lice, please copy and paste this link to the Department of State Health Services:


    (By the way, there is a name for the itchiness you start to feel on your own scalp when you hear about someone else who has lice: Delusory Parasitosis.)