- Vineyard Ranch Elementary School
- Welcome

Phone: 210-356-7200
Degrees and Certifications:
EDUCATION DEGREE / DATE EARNED University of Texas at San Antonio Masters of Arts Degree in Reading and Literacy December 2016 University of Texas at San Antonio Bachelors of Arts Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies May 2001 CERTIFICATIONS Elementary Self-Contained (1-8) Elementary Bilingual/ESL (1-8) Spanish Early Childhood Education
Mrs. Iliana Alejandra Parra
Mi nombre es Iliana Alejandra Parra. Yo nací en Monterrey, NL México y crecí en Brownsville, Texas. Después, vine a estudiar a la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio y me gradué con la licenciatura en Estudios Interdisciplinarios con una concentración en Educación Bilingüe de UTSA en el 2001. Yo obtuve una maestría en Lectura y Alfabetización de la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio en el 2017. Llevo 22 años casada con mi esposo y tenemos dos hijos.
Tengo 18 años de experiencia como maestra bilingüe. Estoy con el distrito del Noroeste desde el 2014 como maestra bilingüe. Mi meta es que cada niño crezca académicamente y desarrolle las destrezas socio-emocional que lo ayudaran en el futuro. ¡Estoy muy emocionada de conocer a cada uno de ustedes y empezar este año escolar 2024-2025¡
My name is Iliana Alejandra Parra. I was born in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico and I grew up in Brownsville, Texas. I moved to San Antonio, Texas to attend college and have lived here ever since. In 2001, I graduated from The University of Texas with a Bachelor’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration on Bilingual Education. I obtained a Master’s Degree in Reading and Literacy from UTSA in 2017. I have been married 22 years and we have two children.
I have 18 years of teaching experience in bilingual education. I have been with NEISD since 2014 as a Bilingual/ Dual Language teacher. This year I will be teaching 1st grade dual language. My goal is that each child grows academically and develops social-emotional skills that will help them in the future. I am looking forward to getting to know everyone and excited about beginning the 2024-2025 school year!
Class Announcements
Class Schedule
Daily Schedule
Horario Diario
Parents will receive schedule from teacher.