- Bradley Middle School
- Immunization Requirements
Immunization Requirements
ATTENTION PARENTS OF STUDENTS GOING INTO 7TH GRADE: Your student is required to have a record on file with the school of a meningococcal vaccine and tetanus booster (within the past 5 years) in order to start 7th grade this Fall. If these requirements are not met, your child will not be allowed to start the first day or be issued a schedule. You can email records to jstint@neisd.net or drop them off at the school clinic. Please call 210-356-2603 with any questions.
Immunization Documents
Translation of Immunization Records
State law requires students in Texas schools to be immunized against certain vaccine-preventable diseases. Getting your child vaccinated not only protects your child’s health, but also that of the community.
Worldwide Language and Communication
243 W Sunset Rd, San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 805-8844University Health Language Assistance Services
Language assistance services are available at no extra cost to the patient.(210) 358-0600
or email copy of shot record to: language.assistance@UHS-SA.com
Clinic Locations
Metro Health Eastside Clinic
210 N. Mel Waiters Way
San Antonio, TX 78202210-207-8894
8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday (By Appointment Only)Cardinal Clinic at UIW School
Brooks City Base
7615 Kennedy Hill, Building 2
San Antonio, TX 78235210-207-8894
9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturdays (By Appointment Only)