• Communication is extremely important, which is why I will be using multiple ways to communicate important information to all families. Weekly emails regarding assignments and other important class information will be sent out every Sunday evening. These messages go through Skyward and are sent to the email that is in the system. Please make sure that the school has the most up-to-date contact information on Skyward. 

    Class Tag is a great communication tool that I will be using throughout the whole year. It allows me to send out announcements, assignment reminders, and other important information. Sign-up information will be sent out during the first week of school. Please be on the lookout for that invitation. Once you have accepted, you will be prompted to choose between getting my messages through the app, text or email.

  • FAQs

    1. Why do you use ClassTag instead of Remind101?

    A: I love the features ClassTag offers, like being able to post and share documents as well as scheduling parent-teacher conferences and individual messages.

    1. I'm not getting ClassTag messages. What do I do?

    A: Email me at smart9@neisd.net.  Each student/family is linked individually, so I can't post a general join code. I can email you your individual join information.

        3. Can my child correct their assignment for a higher grade?

    A: Yes! Corrections opportunities on all assignements that have a grade less than 70 will be available. Students making corrections can earn up to a 70 maximum on the assignment. Please take note, that simply submitting a corrected assignment does not ensure a 70. The corrections made must be correct. Because of this, corrections for a particular assignment can be submitted up to two times.


    4. Where can I find the Google Classroom codes for your class?

    A: You can find them in the 7th grade Google Classroom or I can send them to you via email.