- Harris Middle School
- Welcome

Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Brittany Griffith
Hello Students and Parents!
My name is Brittany Griffith and I will be your Dance and/or GT ELAR (English Language Arts and Reading) teacher. This will be my 8th year in education and I am SO ready for another magical adventure!
GT ELAR is a 45-minute class period in which students will learn how to use their literary analyzation and inquiry skills to problem solve and engage in real world scenarios. The benefit of a combined ELAR class is that I get to know you/your student as a reader AND a writer as we progress in both areas to help you meet your goals.
Dance is a 45-minute class period in which students will learn the principles of kinesthetic awareness, movement, choreography and history of dance. This year, beginning and advanced dance classes are available to 7th and 8th grade students, and can be used to satisfy one semester of the overall PE requirement, as well as one semester of fine arts credit. 'Movement and Motion' is available to 6th grade students as a semester elective class, and provides an introduction to basic dance technique and styles.
I am a proud product of NEISD schools, having attended Redland Oaks and Driscoll before graduating from MacArthur High School. For college, I attended the University of North Texas and obtained a Bachelor's degree in English Literature before pursuing my teaching certification as a Generalist grades 4-8. I also hold a Master's Degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a triple literacy focus from The University of Texas Arlington, and have obtained additional teaching certifications for ESL, Reading Specialist, Dance (Fine Arts) and Physical Education instruction.
I am excited to move forward on this journey together, and very much look forward to working as a team to make magic happen! If you ever have any questions, comments, or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out. My email is bgriff3@neisd.net and my direct line at school is 210-356-4166.
Thank you for visiting my page, I very much look forward to learning and growing together this year!
Brittany Griffith
Ms. Griffith's
Daily Schedule:
1st Period - Beginning Dance/PE
(8:25-9:14, Room A201)2nd Period - Advanced Dance/PE
(9:18-10:04, Room A201)3rd Period - Beginning Dance/PE
(10:08-10:54, Room A201)4th Period - Movement and Motion
(10:58-11:44, Room A201)5th Period - Conference
(11:48-12:34, Room A200)C Lunch
6th Period - 6th Grade GT ELAR
(1:11-1:57, Room A200)7th Period - 8th Grade GT ELAR
(2:01-2:47, Room A200)8th Period - 7th Grae GT ELAR
(2:51-3:40, Room A200)