Library Info

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Library Hours

 The Wilshire Library offers students, teachers, and parents flexible access by being open Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.  Parents are invited to visit the library after school to check out books.

 For instruction, the library operates on a fixed and flexible schedule. Students in PK-fifth graders visit the library weekly for lessons and check-out.


Library Book Check-out

Pre Kinder and Kinder:  1 book for 1 week

1st - 5th grades:  2 books for 2 weeks

E-books are available for checkout from home, as well.


Book Care

Please talk to your child about a safe place to put their books so they do not lose them, and so that they are not damaged.  By asking them to return their books on time and in good condition, we are teaching them to be responsible library patrons.  If a book is lost, late, or damaged a notice will be send home with the students. 
