Teacher Feature: Hardy Oak's Ashley Holloway
“It's just important to make sure that they know that we care about them outside of the walls just as much as we do in the classroom.”
For the past 11 years, Ashley Holloway has been teaching students at Hardy Oak Elementary School-- laying the foundation for their educational success. Her second-grade classroom is filled with brightly colored posters, vocabulary words, reminders to be kind and a couple of hamsters named Oreo and Biscuit.
But she’s not just a teacher.
She’s also a military wife and mom to two NEISD graduates.
So, she understands what it means to selflessly serve.
She’s quick to tell you about her amazing students, the impact her children’s teachers have had and the effort put in by the teachers she works with daily.
“I love it when I see past students and families. A few come to mind right now. And I just love it. It brings a smile to my face and it feels good,” said Holloway. “My team is amazing and we just love on each other and support each other. And that's what makes you stay, is the people that you work with. I just I love everybody on this campus.”
She has very little to say for herself.
But Holloway is the team player other teachers are thankful for. She’s the teacher students are excited about. She’s the sponsor for Hardy Oak’s Student 2 Student program making sure all new students feel welcome. And she’s the biggest food bank fundraiser for Hardy Oak’s Newcomers.
But you won’t find that out from her.
You’ve got to ask those who are lucky enough to be in her class or work alongside her.