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Superstar Students-April

Since attending Jackson Keller Elementary, Daniel (Danny) has greeted everyone with a smile and a hug. There is not a person that he does not know. He always takes care of everyone around the school. He helps them find misplaced or dropped items and takes the food cart back to the cafeteria. Danny is a leader in the school because he models one of our core values: displaying a caring heart. Daniel Moore is the heart of our school.

I am choosing Carlos Delgado as a super star student. Carlos is a bilingual second grade student. Carlos is a good boy that has been improving with the time. He is one of the students that never gets in trouble, and respects his classmates and teachers. Carlos participates during a whole group activity with help of his peers or teachers. Carlos is able to do his work without any complaining. When he needs help, he will ask his teacher for help.

Estoy escojiendo a Carlos  Delgado como el estudiante Estrella. Carlos es un estudiante bilingue de Segundo grado. Carlos es un buen nino que ha mejorado con el tiempo. El es uno de mis estudiantes que nunca se mete en problemas, respeta a sus companeros y maestros.Carlos participa durante la actividad en grupo con ayuda de sus maestros y companeros. Carlos puede hacer su trabajo sin estarse quejando. Carlos nececita ayuda, pero cuando la nececita pregunta a su maestra.