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Superstar Students-March

Tanner is an outstanding student with great leadership skills. He always strives to do the best in everything he does. He is a positive role model, motivates and helps other students, and maintains a joyful attitude around his peers and teachers. Tanner is very active on campus. He is a safety patrol officer and is always the first one on duty to greet the students in the morning. He is also a HAM student, makes all A’s in his classes, attends tutoring, and exhibits excellent behavior and attitude toward others. He works very hard to be aware and conscious of his duties and responsibilities at school. We are all very proud of him.

Sofia is a natural Super Star!  She is very dedicated in class and strives to do her best every day.  She is honest, trustworthy and her teachers can always depend on her to be a leader. Sofia shows enthusiasm for learning and her willingness to help others make her very deserving of this award.

¡Sofia es una alumna ejemplar y una súper estrella sobresaliente! Es muy dedicada en clase y se esfuerza por dar lo mejor de sí cada día. Es honesta, digna de confianza, sus maestros siempre pueden confiar en ella para ser líder en clase. Ella es responsable con sus tareas y su comportamiento es excelente. Sofía muestra entusiasmo por aprender y su disposición para ayudar a los demás la hacen muy merecedora de este premio.