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Congratulations to our 2022-2023 Jackson Keller Trinity Prize Nominee!

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Congratulations to our Trinity Prize For Excellence in Teaching winner, 5th grade bilingual teacher, Mrs. Luz Gonzalez Leon. 💚 
“I always knew I wanted to be a teacher, so I attended Texas A&M University- San Antonio to prepare myself to be able to provide students with all the tools they need to be successful in life. I graduated with a certificate and EC-6 Bilingual Generalist and have been a teacher for seven years. Out of the seven years, Jackson Keller Elementary has been my home for six. I feel very grateful to be part of the Jackson-Keller family who encourages and helps each other grow. I have learned many things from colleagues, administration, and students. All of them have shaped me to the teacher I am today and have made my job even more enjoyable. Whether it is a smile down the hallway or a tip on how to create a better lesson, they have always been there for me. I continue learning every day, and dedicate myself to create a safe and happy place for my students to learn in,” Mrs. Luz Gonzalez Leon.