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Grading Policy


Kindergarten is graded in two major areas. The first has to do with music skills.  In Kindergarten, the student's grades are based on observable skills. Many of the skills are developmental and will be achieved with time.  The second area is conduct. Very often the child's behavior /conduct will interfere with the achievement of the music skills.


1=Student is unable to exhibit skill even with direct guidance. Additional instruction is needed.

2=Student exhibits skill with minimal guidance. Reinforcement is needed.

3=Student exhibits skills independently and consistently.

4=Student understanding goes beyond grade level expectation.



Student in the older grades are assessed in a variety of ways. These may include teacher observation, playing/singing skills tests, pencil/paper quizzes, and student participation. A HUGE part of a student's music grade involves active, positive participation.

E=Achievement is EXCELLENT

  • Student shows extra effort/work in music.
  • Student shows mastery exceeding grade level expectations.
  • Student accomplishes skills above and beyond those expected in music. 
  • Student has above average grades on written work in music.

S=Achievement is SATISFACTORY

  • Student shows reasonable effort in music.
  • Student satisfies 70% or more on TEKS and NORTH EAST STANDARDS.
  • Student accomplishes appropriate skills as expected in music.
  • Student has average grades on written work in music.

N=Achievement needs IMPROVEMENT

  • Student shows little or no effort in music.
  • Student satisfies less than 70% of the TEKS and NORTH EAST STANDARDS.
  • Student accomplishes skills below grade level expectations in music.
  • Student has below average grades on written work in music.


Students are encouraged to attend any fine arts event for extra credit. (Includes music, dance, theater, art, museums.) Please bring me a ticket stub, program or note stating the child's name, grade and teacher's name, what event they attended and when.  The event does not need to be a paid event. Concerts at any middle school, high school or community event will also be acceptable.