Shirts – Students may wear solid polo shirts based on their grade level OR a KMS spirit shirt

    · Sixth grade - Yellow.

    · Seventh grade - White/Grey

    · Eighth grade - Black

    · Long or short sleeves are acceptable.

    · No visible under garments or exposed midriffs.


    · Khaki pants/shorts or blue jeans/shorts

    · Pants and/or shorts will be worn securely at the waist.

    Any pants/shorts with holes above the knee must have leggings covering skin

    Student dress must still adhere to the NEISD Dress code found on page 98-99 in the Student Parent Handbook at :NEISD Student- Parent Handbook

     Cold Weather Attire

    · Light jackets, vests, sweater or hoodies may be worn as long it complies with North East Dress Code.

    If your child needs any assistance with uniforms or jackets, please contact Leticia Aldana at laldan@neisd.net or 210-356-4700.