- Royal Ridge Elementary School
- Welcome
About Teacher

Degrees and Certifications:
B.B.A. Bachelor of Business Administration M.A.T. Master of Arts in Teaching
Mrs. Crystal Rickman
Hello! My name is Crystal Rickman, and I will be teaching kindergarten this year. I moved here from Abilene a few years ago, and I love being in San Antonio! I am married, and I have three kids and a dog. I have been teaching for 7 years, and I am looking forward to another great year!
Class Schedule
Daily Schedule
7:40-7:55 Morning Meeting
7:55-8:10 Writing Minilesson
8:10-8:35 Writing Independent Practice
8:35-9:30 Specials
9:30-10:00 RAP (Reading Intervention)
10:00-10:20 Shared Reading
10:20-11:00 Phonics
11:00-11:30 Math Mini Lesson
11:30-12:00 Math Independent Practice
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-12:45 Science / Social Studies Mini Lesson
12:45-1:15 Science/SS Independent Practice
1:15 -1:45 Recess & Water break
1:45-2:15 MAP (Math Intervention)
2:15-2:45 High Frequency words
2:45-2:55 Closure/ Class Meeting
3:00-3:45 Teacher Office Hours