

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Leah Liles

This is my 30th year teaching in Northeast Independent School District. I have taught kindergarten through third grade general education as well as kindergarten through fifth grade special education classes.  

I have taught at Montgomery for 8 years and the rest have been here at Northwood Elementary.  I have thoroughly enjoyed working at Northwood and I anticate this year to be a huge success working with your children.

Class announcements

Class Schedule

  • 7:30 school starts/ announcements
    7:45-8:15 WIN time 4th grade
    8:15-9:15 Math in class support 
    9:15-9:45 Math resource 2nd grade
    9:45-10:45 Math in class support 2nd grade
    10:45-11:00  social skills
    11:00-11:30  Lunch
    11:30-12:20  Conference
    12:20-1:20  In class support reading
    1:20-1:45 In class support writing
    1:45-2:15 Reading Resource 2nd grade
    2:15-2:30  bus loading/ dismissal