
Phone: 210-407-1000


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts, Trinity University GT Certified ESL Certified Certified EC-4

Mrs. Amy Gloege

Greetings! My name is Mrs. Gloege (which rhymes with "yoga" and "toga"). I have been teaching since 2005, and have taught kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Grade Gloegenators. I am excited to be the 3rd grade guide on your educational journey this year. We have such marvelous things to learn and explore. Join us! Once a Gloegenator, always a Gloegenator!


Class Schedule

  • Gloegenator Class Schedule

    7:30 Welcome and WIN time
    8:00 Math
    9:30 Writing Workshop
    10:20 Specials (PE, Music, STEAM)
    11:10 Spelling, Word Work, and Handwriting
    11:37 Lunch
    12:07 Reading
    1:00 Social Studies
    1:30 Study Hall
    1:40 Recess
    2:00 Science
    2:40 Closing Ceremonies and Dismissal

    Library Check Out Tuesdays 2:15-2:35