• Important Steubing Ranch Self Manager Virtues
    Responsibility - I will come to school ready to learn.
    Respect - I will treat others as I want to be treated.
    Compassion- I will be kind and thoughtful to others.
    Giving - I will think of others.
    Self-Discipline - I will manage myself.
    Perseverance - I will always keep trying.
    Honesty - I will be truthful.

    Expectations GIVE ME FIVE!
    I have the responsibility to:

    1. Allow everyone the right to learn.
    2. Show respect for myself and others.
    3. Show respect for my own and others' property.
    4. Follow directions given by all staff members.
    5. Follow all of the Steubing Ranch procedures.

    If a student has difficulty with "Give Me Five!" the following step process applies:

    1st Step - Teacher redirection/conference with student
    2nd Step - Teacher redirection plus parent contact
    3rd Step - Teacher redirection plus "Give Me Five" form sent to parents, and returned with parent signature
    4th Step - Teacher referral to counselor
    5th Step - Office referral

    CHAMPS is a school-wide proactive and positive approach to classroom management used to encourage student responsibility and motivation. The guiding principles behind CHAMPS enhance engagement and learning by empowering students with techniques to behave responsibly and respectfully.

    The CHAMPS beliefs include:

    • All members of our school community must be treated with dignity and respect.
    • Students should be taught skills and behaviors necessary for success.
    • Staff members should encourage motivation through positive interactions and building relationships with students.
    • Student misbehavior provides a teaching opportunity.

    The students are directly taught to meet expectations by detailing each classroom activity and transition using the CHAMPs acronym:

    C Conversation (How, why, and to whom may students talk during this activity?)
    H Help (How can students get help or teacher's attention?)
    A Activity (What is the task or end product of the activity?)
    M Movement (How much, when, and why may students move around?)
    P Participation (What does on-task behavior look/sound like?)
    S Special (What special instructions do I need to follow?)