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Notes from the Attendance Office


Happy New School Year. Please read this in entirety.



Attendance is a key to your child’s success. Learning builds day by day. A child who misses a day of school misses a day of learning.


The State of Texas recommends that students need to be present for 90% of the school year in order to be promoted to the next grade level. Your student is counted present at 9:30 each school day.


Please planning vacations to coincide with school holidays.


  • The tardy bell rings at 7:30AM. If your child is not IN CLASS when the bell rings, they will be counted tardy. If your child arrives AFTER 7:30AM, a parent/guardian needs to come into the front office and fill out our tardy log.
  • Please call the attendance office (210 407-9201) to report your child’s absence from school. If you email the teacher about your child’s absence, please carbon copy Even if you call or email, please send your student with a signed note when they return to school. There is a 4-day grace period to turn in excuses.
  • If your child has any type of medical appointment—please have them bring that note to the office upon their return to school. A doctor’s note is an excused absence. We encourage you to schedule appointments for your child outside of instructional hours when possible. However, if you must schedule a time after 9:30am, we ask that you sign them out no later than 2:15pm.
  • Each child has 8 parent notes a year that can be used as excused absences. If you have surpassed these 8 excused absences, we still as that you send a note so that we enter the note in their file.


“Out-of-town” is an unexcused absence—even with a parent note.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping the lines of communication between home and school open. Contact Krista Labat (210) 407-9201 or at with ANY questions.