Making new friends and spreading good news #theNEISDway
Lights, camera… action!
The Steubing Ranch Elementary School News Crew is spreading good news with a smile during the morning announcements.
The entire production is run by fifth grade students with the help of Librarian Marie Arce. Kai Elliott has loved being part of the News Crew. Whether you’re behind the camera or holding the microphone, she says it takes a lot of teamwork and communication.
“There’s a lot of trust in this team,” said Kai. “We turn the microphones off and on, program the TV, plug in the computer, put it on Zoom as the host and give signals to show that we’re starting. I like being where people can see me so I can help influence a good day on the whole school.”
The News Crew broadcasts live on Zoom into every class on campus. Principal Mario Guillen calls them ‘a ray sunshine at the beginning of each day.’ Fifth grader Tristan Lopez agrees. He takes a lot of pride in being one of the faces representing Steubing Ranch.
“Before this, I could not go walk out to a crowd and speak,” said Tristan. “The camera operator and director have to work very well together, and you have to listen and respect each other. I’ve really liked getting to know the other people on the team.”
Making new friends and spreading good news #theNEISDway.