NEISD family gives others something to be thankful for.
A huge “Thank You” goes to North East ISD parents Rodney and Channel Milbourne.
On Tuesday, November 23, their Respectable Customer Service and Logistics team delivered 75 Thanksgiving meals to NEISD families in need.
“We have been blessed, and we’re very thankful,” said Rodney. “So, we would like to be a blessing to someone else.”
They worked with the Juan Velasquez the Family Specialist at Canyon Ridge Elementary School, where their daughter attends school, to figure out the logistics and how many families in their area they could help. They provided meals to 40 Stone Oak Elementary families and 35 Canyon Ridge Elementary families.
“We are trying to bless other people,” said Channel. “This is something that we want to do every year, not just this year, but every year. We want to just grow and be able to give back to as many families as we can.”
Thank you, Milbourne’s for giving so many NEISD families something to be thankful for.