Larkspur students take pride in their work
Larkspur Elementary School students got the chance to show off some of the work they’re most proud of #theNEISDway.
Recently, parents were invited to the Gifted and Talented (GT) Showcase. Work from Larkspur students was spread across the library as students gave a tour and recapped some of their favorite projects alongside GT teacher Brian Faro.
Fifth grader Adiam Abiel loved learning about some of history’s greatest philosophers.
“These are about ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle, Socrates and Plato,” said Adiam. “So, we wrote about them and what they did. I liked doing this project a lot.”
As much as the kids loved creating their projects, their parents and guardians loved learning about them more. North East ISD values the partnership we have with our parents as we work together toward student success.
Larkspur is one of three elementary campuses operating on an extended school calendar. Teachers and students start with our traditional school calendar in August, but the school year is extended a few weeks into June. Through this calendar, four intersession breaks are included throughout the school year. Intersession breaks are designed to provide students with academic enrichment and instructional support.