- ACE High School
- Welcome
About Teacher

Phone: 210-407-0698
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Education All Level with second major in Spanish
Mr. Juan O. Rodriguez
I officially started teaching bilingual students. It felt great helping struggling students. However, my passion was and still is in the Visual Arts and Spanish. I went on to teach at W. A. Todd Ninth Grade Campus in Donna, Texas. I taught there for 3 years, I then worked for IDEA Academy Charter Schools where I taught 2 years Art and Spanish. Starting my second year at IDEA, I realized that I was not serving my students as effectively as I would have liked. My wife and I decided to move to San Antonio and I applied to NEISD. An opportunity came up in the Fall of 2006. The vacancy was open for an Art/Spanish teacher to work with Dr. MaryJo McLaughlin at the Academy of Creative Education. The fit was perfect with the certificate I had. Today, I am working on my 18th year at ACE teaching Visual Arts and Spanish as a world language to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. It is a privilege and a pleasure to serve these students and our community.
Class Schedule
Flexible hours and an extended academic calendar year allow students to meet their academic requirements while providing the necessary time for employment and/or personal family needs.
Academy students attend school a minimum of four (4) hours per day. Student are encouraged to look at their individual graduation plans and take an active role in their education. Classes are in session from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Students may stay until 4:00 PM by making arrangements and/or appointments with their teacher(s) of record or advisor. All students need to arrive on campus between the hours of 7:30 a.m. but no later than 10:00 a.m.
Conferences with Academy faculty are available by appointment from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to allow parents and students the fexiblity to communicate with educators, the counselor and administrators.
Please feel free to call or contact us.
School Number: (210) 407-0740
Mr. Rodriguez direct line: (210) 407-0698
E-mail: jrodri10@neisd.net
3736 Perrin Central Building #2
San Antonio, TX 78217