
  • Our classroom uses a classroom system called Conscious Discipline which creates a learning environment where children will know, "Yes I am safe" and "Yes I am loved".  Students learn problem solving skills and managing their emotions, as well as taking responsibility for their actions.

    Each day begins with a Morning Meeting including activities designed to unite everyone together and develop a sense of belonging.  The parts of every greeting circle include: Unite, Disengage the Stress Response, Connect, and Commit.

    During Unite students sing songs and chants that greet every member of the school family.  In the second part, while disengaging stress, students learn and use calming strategies that can later be found posted in the "Safe Place" of the classroom, involving deep breathing and stretching to manage their own emotions and mood.  Students build healthy friendships, increase attention span, and foster cooperation skills in the interaction opportunities provided during Connect.  Each morning meeting finishes with students making personal commitments for learning, focusing on a specific social skill.  Commit develops goal setting and follow through skills, and fosters responsibility for their actions.  These commitments, which are posted in the classroom for reference, are reinforced throughout the day.


    Each student has a take home folder with a monthly calendar.  Please check your child's folder nightly.  Your student is expected to bring their folder to and from school daily, as well as complete all homework menus and nightly reading.  

    After the first few weeks of school, we will begin going to the library.  Your child will be able to check out a library book every other week.  The book will come home in a large ziploc bag with your child's name.  Please store their book in the baggie after each reading to protect it, and return it to school on the designated day in the baggie for easy return and check out.  Lost or damaged books will need to be paid for before students can check out a new book, so please help your child build responsibility by encouraging them to take care of their library book and return it to school each week!


    Students are expected to be at school on time everyday.  Breakfast opens at 6:50am and closes at 7:20am everyday.  School begins at 7:20 and students are counted tardy at 7:30 and absent after 9:15. If you have to take your child out of school early, you must pick them up before 2:00 in order to prevent a safety concern for your child during school dismissal.  Learning is taking place from bell to bell so arriving late or leaving early causes your child to miss instruction and intervention opportunities, as well as social interactions as part of our school family.  Please schedule appointments for after school whenever possible and only keep your child home when they are sick.  Your help is needed to allow your child to be as successful as possible this year!


    If your child is going to go home a different way than usual or with a different person, please send a note.  With no notice or with late notice we MUST send your child home as usual.

     CHAMPs is a district initiative to support classroom management and setting student expectations.  C (Conversation) H (Help) A (Activity) M (Movement) P (Participation) S (Special Info) outlines all of the expected behaviors for each activity during the day in every part of the school including the classroom, cafeteria, playground and hallways where students spend time daily. CHAMPs posters are located throughout the school to inform students of the expectations and teachers discuss these daily with the students.

    Ridgeview Pledge

    I will persevere to communicate with courtesy,

    Take responsibility for all my actions,

    And show respect for myself and others.

    By doing this, I will help set the


    (Positive Attitudes Create Excellence)

