- Stahl Elementary School
- Welcome

Phone: (210) 407-7400
Degrees and Certifications:
Systems Engineer Bilingual Teacher EC-4 (Pre-school-4th grade)
Mrs. Deya Howard
Dear Parents and Community,
I’m honored to have your wonderful kids in my 1st-grade dual class this year. I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I was raised in Monterrey Mexico, where I went to school through college graduating from the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon "FIME" (Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica y Electrica) as a Systems Engineer. After several years, I decided to become an educator and graduated as a Dual/Bilingual Teacher K-4 here in San Antonio, Texas.
During the last 17 years, I have taught Kinder through 4th-grade Dual & Bilingual. I love spending time teaching the love for reading, writing & math, along with the rest of our curriculum. 1st grade is such a privilege because this is a great time in our kiddos' life where we together are building some of the most important academic and social skills.
I have 3 wonderful daughters and an amazing husband that shares my love and respect for human beings with me.
Please remember I am here for anything you need to help our students succeed. I strongly believe in working together with parents for our student's academic success.
I would like to thank you all in advance for all of your enormous support at home and communication between us.
Believing in our kiddos is the most powerful tool in the world!
Queridos Padres,
Durante los ultimos 17 anos, he ensenado los grados desde kinder a 4to grado bilingue y dual. Uno de los pasatiempos que adoro, es ensenar y transmitir el amor por la lectura, escritura y matematicas en conjunto con el resto del curriculum. 1er grado es un privilegio porque es el grado en donde el crecimiento academico es tanto que al verlo es una emocion inexplicable. Durante este tiempo, el desarrollo y enfoque e las destrezas academicas y sociales es de vital importancia.
Tengo 3 hijas maravillosas y un esposo excepcional que comparte el amor y el respeto por los derechos humanos conmigo.
Por favor recueden que aqui estoy para ayudarles en el desarrollo y progreso academico de sus hijos(as). Creo firmemente en trabajar en conjunto con los padres por el bienestar de los estudiantes.
De antemano, quisiera agradecerles por todo su apoyo y comunicacion durante el ano escolar.
El creer en nuestros estudiantes tiene un poder enorme!
Recursos Bilingues en Linea y libritos por nivel que pueden usar en casa. Bilingual resources and leveled books that you can use at home.
Google classroom:https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzk2MDA2ODkwMDE2
Class code:exhobub
Class Schedule
Mrs. Howard’s Schedule Rm # 14
1er Grado Doble Sendero
Junta de la mañana (Morning Meeting)
Lenguaje de las Artes (lectura, Escritura y Fonetica (Language Arts)
Especiales (Specials)
Lunes (Monday).- PE
Martes (Tuesday).-Enrichment
Miercoles (Wednesday).-Music
Jueves (Thursday).-PE
Viernes 1(Friday1).- Enrichment
Viernes 2(Friday2).-PE
Hora de Comida (Lunch)
Matematicas (Math) 12:40-1:10
Recreo (Recess_
Estudios Sociales (Social Studies)
Ciencias (Science)