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Tex Hill students take science lessons on the road

Gifted & Talented (GT) ELAR students in Dana Williams’ class at Tex Hill Middle School took their science lessons on the road! 

They stopped by Bulverde Creek Elementary School to share their ‘Full STEAM Ahead’ projects with fifth graders. These eighth graders used their skills to research a STEM topic, write a creative presentation, and build an interactive component to help the 5th graders at Bulverde Creek develop a passion for STEM.

“As part of our District Arts Integration Initiative, the 8th grade GT ELAR students at Tex Hill Middle School attended a STEAM show and workshop at The Tobin called 'Pirate Science' in order to understand how to infuse the arts into a STEM focused lesson so that they, too, could reach a younger audience by creating an engaging, interactive, educational experience,” explained Williams. 

There’s so much to DISCOVER at NEISD. Learn more about the many GT Program opportunities NEISD has to offer.

Tex Hill GT ELAR students at Bulverde Creek

Posted by Lila Stanley
Posted on 1-8-24