Summer Reading

  • Dear Parents/Guardians,

    In an effort to fulfill its commitment to develop North East ISD students into fully-realized critical readers, thinkers, and writers, students must continuously be given opportunities to take ownership of their reading choices throughout the year. The goal of the NEISD Summer Reading Program is to promote student choice in reading. Research indicates that choice reading enhances students’ reading comprehension, language, vocabulary development, general knowledge, and empathy for others, as well as their self-confidence as readers, motivation to read throughout their lives, and positive attitudes toward reading.

    Each grade level has adopted a thematic topic to promote reading in academic and personal settings. The selected titles on each reading list represent a variety of voices, cultures, perspectives, and ideologies. The goal is to provide students with an abundance of choice in the texts they interact with in an effort to develop their understanding, perspective, and appreciation for the people, places, and ideas that comprise their world.

    During the summer, the expectation is for students to read their choice text(s). Students may find annotating their text helpful, but it is not a requirement. Upon returning to school, grades/assessments over Summer Reading may not occur prior to the third week of the year. The text chosen by the student will be referenced throughout the school year as a foundational text. (Please note that the texts on the summer reading lists are intended for advanced English courses and some of the texts may contain mature language or situations. We strongly encourage parents and/or guardians to preview the text/s).

    Stakeholder Roles:


    • Encourage reading and model the enjoyment of reading
    • Review and monitor your child’s text choices.
    • Partner with school and libraries for access to a wide range of topics and genres for your children


    • Choose a text
    • Read the text
    • Talk about the text
    • Write about the text
    • Repeat all year

    Reading List Documents/Links: