• Academic Integrity Policy of ISA

    The primary goal as educators, parents, and students is to facilitate the learning process and promote academic integrity. In order to protect all concerned, academic honesty is defined as follows:

    Each student does their own work and does not give assistance to others nor do they accept assistance from others except within the guidelines for collaboration established in cooperation with their teachers. A student neither accepts nor receives unauthorized help nor uses an unauthorized aid beyond those established with the cooperation of their teachers on class tests or assignments. A student does not plagiarize information by putting forth someone else’s work or ideas as the student’s original work. A student gives credit to the source through accepted citation.

    In order to maintain standards of academic integrity, the teacher will use the following guidelines to determine consequences for violations of these standards once the teacher is certain that a violation has occurred. Violations are cumulative and include both ISA and LEE classes.


    Required Action:

    1. The student will receive either a zero (0) or will redo the assignment/test at the teacher’s discretion with a grade compensation of a fifty (50).
    2. The teacher or team will have a conference with the student and document the incident in Aware records for future reference.
    3. The teacher or team will notify the parent or guardian of the incident.
    4. The teacher or team will reteach/clarify the definition of academic integrity with the student.
    5. The teacher or team will notify the administrator or counselor of the incident.
    6. The teacher or team will notify the student’s club sponsors (NHS,PALs,SHS,Band,NESA,etc.) of the incident.



    Required Action:

    1. The student will receive either a zero (0) or will redo the assignment/test at the teacher’s discretion with a grade compensation of a fifty (50).
    2. The teacher or team will have a conference with the student and document the incident in Aware.
    3. The teacher or team will notify the parent or guardian of the incident.
    4. The teacher or team will reteach/clarify the definition of academic integrity with the student.
    5. The teacher or team will refer the student to the counselor.
    6. The teacher or team will notify the administrator.
    7. The teacher or team will notify the student’s club sponsors (NHS, PALs , SHS, Band, NESA, etc.) of the second incident.

    Optional Action for any incident:

    1. The reteach could include the completion of an on-line tutorial on plagiarism.
    2. The reteach could require the student to create a tutorial explaining how to avoid violations of academic integrity.
    3. The teacher notifies the student’s team of any optional reteach strategies and interventions.



    Required Action:

    1. The student will receive a zero (0) on the assignment or test and redo the assignment (for the sake of learning) without grade compensation.
    2. The student will be required to have a conference with the parent, team, and administrator present, and the conference will be documented in Aware.
    3. The teacher or team will refer the student to an administrator in Skyward for disciplinary action.
    4. The teacher or team will notify the student’s club sponsors (NHS, PALs, SHS, Band, NESA, etc.) of the incident.

    Optional Action for any incident:

    1. The reteach could include the completion of an on-line tutorial on plagiarism.
    2. The reteach could require the student to create a tutorial explaining how to avoid violations of academic integrity.
    3. The teacher notifies the student’s team of any optional reteach strategies and interventions.

    Any violations of academic integrity beyond the third infraction will be immediately referred to the ISA administration in Skyward for disciplinary action.


    - Wormeli, R. (n.d.). Cheating and Plagiarizing. Retrieved December 8, 2018, from http://www.amle.org/BrowsebyTopic/WhatsNew/WNDet.aspx?ArtMID=888&ArticleID=833 Published in AMLE Magazine, August 2017

    - Richards Digital Media (Producer). (2017, September 31). Plagiarism Video for Schools[Video file]. Retrieved December 8, 2018, fro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JwFWbPotBA