Phone: 210407-0728
Degrees and Certifications:
AAS Dental Assistant BS Psychology
Mrs. Sonya Brown
Hello, I'm Sonya M. Brown, and I have been a Dental Assistant instructor at CTEC for the past six years. At the moment, I work as CTEC Magnet Coordinator and NEISD Adult Education Dental Assistant Teacher. I worked as a dental assistant, pharmacy technician, and medical supply specialist for 20 years in the United States Army. Following my term, I started working as a teacher for Concorde Career College, where I was there from 2012 til 2016. I graduated from Colorado Christian University with a bachelor's degree to psychology and an associate's degree in applied science as a dental assistant from San Antonio,Texas. Having the change to support our NEISD students in their pursuit of success in the dental industry.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
11:10am - 12:35pm
3:05m- 4:20pm Teacher conference