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  • A Community of Learners

    The student experience at STEM Academy is structured to develop the next generation of leaders in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Our pathways offer a unique opportunity for our students to explore passions and develop essential skills for success in higher education and future STEM careers.

    Interactive Experiences

    Our curriculum ensures that students gain practical experience and a deep understanding of STEM concepts. Through research projects, mentorships, and extracurricular activities, students at STEM Academy have the opportunity to work alongside industry professionals, to develop a strong network while tackling real-world challenges.

    Extracurricular Engagement 

    Beyond the classroom, students are offered a vibrant extracurricular scene, allowing them to further explore their interests and education to further develop skills. From science fairs and robotics clubs to organizations like HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) and Mu Alpha Theta (Mathematics Honor Society), students have ample opportunities to engage with peers and participate in competitions.

    Future Success

    STEM Academy focuses on skill development, industry certifications, and college preparatory coursework for students. With the proper tools and knowledge taught, students are given an advantage at the undergraduate and graduate levels. As students become graduates, they leave our academy with a solid educational foundation, practical experience, and the confidence to pursue rewarding careers in various STEM fields.


    Dear You

    Our student showcase offers a glimpse into our ecosystem, spotlighting the passion and creativity that makes the STEM Academy truly exceptional. These narratives provide an inside look in how STEM individuals reach their full potential. Through student, parent, and alumni profiles, discover the personal growth, academic excellence, and thriving community within and beyond the classroom walls.

  • Kyle Robertson, 11th Grade

    STEM has given me a chance to dive into Biomedical science, and still have a strong knowledge of non-STEM topics with a strong English and History department.

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  • David Garcia, 9th Grade

    Even though I joined STEM in high school, it is very easy to make friendships because of the community it provides. The STEM Rallys and the STEM Field Day provides an opportunity to get close to other people.

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  • Layla Boyd, 9th Grade

    I love that the teachers here care about what they're doing. I also love how the pathways allow you to explore what you are interested in. I also love how the AP classes give you the opportunity to get ahead.

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