• 6th Grade

    Period 1:

    8:25 - 9:14 AM

    Period 2:

    Period 3

    Period 4:

    Period 5:

    Period 6: W.I.N.

    Period 7:

    Period 8:



    7th Grade

    Period 1:

    Period 2:

    Period 3

    Period 4:

    Period 5:

    Period 6: W.I.N.

    Period 7:

    Period 8:



    8th Grade

    Period 1:

    8:25-9:14 AM

    Period 2:

    9:18-10:07 AM

    Period 3

    10:11-10:56 AM

    Period 4:

    11:00-11:45 AM

    Period 5:

    11:49 AM-12:34 PM

    Period 6: W.I.N.

    1:12-1:57 PM

    Period 7:

    2:01-2:46 PM

    Period 8:

    2:50-3:40 PM



    8th Grade has C-LUNCH 12:35-1:08 PM

  • Arrival Procedures

    Parents must remain in their vehicles and drop off students in the drop-off lanes in the BACK of the building (closest to the gym).

    Pull all the way down to the first spot by the Bulldog sign. Traffic backs up quickly when cars do not pull to the first spot.

    Parents needing to enter the building must use the front  office entrance, not the arrival doors by the gym.

    Front office drop off and/or pickup requires prior approval from administration (ex: limited mobility)

  • Lunch Schedule

    A Lunch
    11:05 AM - 11:35 AM

    B Lunch
    11:54 AM - 12:24 PM

    C Lunch
    12:43 PM - 1:13 PM

  • Dismissal Procedure

    Parents must remain in their vehicles and use the appropriate pick-up lane. (Right lane for curb pickup, Left lane for students using crosswalk once car is parked)

    These procedures will be in place all year for the safety of our students. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

    Front office  drop off and/or pickup requires prior approval from administration (ex: limited mobility)

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.

  • Tutoring Schedule

    Students are allowed to enter the academic wings for morning coaching from 7:45 – 8:00 with a coaching pass.

    Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom until 8:10 a.m.

    Students will sign-in for coaching upon entering the room and teachers will keep this log for the entire year.

    A parent note will allow you to attend morning coaching if you don’t have a teacher’s coaching pass.