• YOU are your child's first and most important teacher! Here are some things that can help you get ready for kindergarten.


    • Listen to and talk with your child. Encourage your child to listen and use language to express ideas. Play games that require listening and following directions.
    • Read and retell stories. Talk with your child about the stories after you read them.
    • Read every night with your child and then TALK about it: author, illustrator, front and back cover, how to turn the pages, how we read from top to bottom and left to right, review what you have read.
    • Talk about letters– identify the upper and lowercase letters and their sounds. Match uppercase with lowercase letters.
    • Sing ABC and Number songs clearly. Point to letters and numbers as you sing along.
    • Practice holding a pencil correctly and cutting with scissors.
    • Work on identifying and writing their name, starting with a capital letter and following with lowercase letters. Say the letters to spell their name.
    • Practice making and counting sets of objects up to ten, and then twenty.
    • Practice counting to 100.
    • Practice tying shoes, snapping buttons, and zipping zippers
    • Identify the colors: red, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, gray, white, brown, black, orange
    • Identify shapes: circle, oval, square, rectangle, star, heart, rhombus, triangle
    • Practice using a mouse/IPad. Kindergartners will use technology daily.
    • Read and sing nursery rhymes and rhyming stories with your child. Have them repeat the rhymes after you.
    • Talk to them about "rhyming words."