- Stone Oak Elementary School
- Meal Payments & Pricing
What if my account has a negative balance?
Elementary Schools: A message will be sent through Blackboard to notify the parent when the negative balance is greater than $5.00. Elementary students that do not have funds in their account will be allowed to charge up to $15.00 to include regular meals only - no extra items may be charged. Once the limit is met, students will no longer receive a meal tray but will be offered a snack with a beverage until the account is paid in full.
Middle Schools: A message will be sent through Blackboard to notify parent when the negative balance is greater than $2.00. Middle school students will be allowed to charge up to $10.00 to include regular meals only - no extra items may be charged. Once the limit is met, students will no longer receive a meal tray but will be offered a snack with a beverage until the account is paid in full.
High Schools: A message will be sent through Blackboard to notify the parent when the negative balance is greater than $2.00. High school students will be allowed to charge up to $5.00 to include regular meals only - no extra items may be charged. Once the limit is met, students will no longer receive a meal tray but will be offered a snack with a beverage until the account is paid in full.
Adults: Adults are expected to make payment at time of purchase. Charges will not be accepted.
Returned checks may be recovered electronically along with the state allowed fee.