Ready for Shark Tank
These students have what it takes to make it on Shark Tank!
Third graders in the Gifted & Talented (GT) program were challenged to use common everyday objects to create new inventions. Students from several neighboring elementary schools joined in on the fun by taking a field trip to Oak Meadow Elementary School.
“The students started the day together in the cafeteria where they played a game called Disruptus, which challenged them to create new inventions from everyday objects,” said Oak Meadow GT teacher Mary Koudelka. “This was also a great time for them to get to know students from other campuses.”
Students then divided into groups and explored Oak Meadow’s Planetarium where they watched a video that explained a photon’s journey across space, time and the mind. This tied directly into their unit on the brain.
Two other groups worked on their Shark Tank inventions. They were prompted to create something new that would help solve a problem for a friend.
“They had to go through the design thinking steps to solve the problem which include: brainstorming, planning, building a prototype, testing and analyzing their prototype and finally “selling” it to potential buyers,” explained Koudelka.