Phone: (210) 407-2200


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Education from Texas Tech University

Mrs. Jennifer Alsobrooks

I am happy to be teaching second grade at Coker Elementary.  I have taught first grade for nine years, four years in third grade, and this is my second year to teach second grade.  I graduated from Texas Tech in December of 2007 and moved back to San Antonio to pursue my career in education.  I am a native to San Antonio and attended Coker Elementary, Bradley Middle School and Churchill High School.  I love teaching students how to read and making them become better leaders in their own lives.  I can't wait to get to work with each of you and your children.


Class Schedule

  • Mrs. Alsobrooks' Daily Schedule


    7:00-7:30: School Opens

    7:30: School Day Begins

    7:35: Announcments

    7:40: Morning Meeting

    7:50: Science/Social Studies

    8:30: Intervention

    9:00: Reading

    9:30: Reading Groups


    10:50: Read Aloud/Snack

    11:00: Phonics

    12:00: Lunch

    12:30: Recess

    12:50: Writing

    1:20: Math

    2:40: Pack Up

    2:45 Bell