• Welcome Falcon Family!

    We hope this page will help you find the most current information on happenings in The Forest. Exceptional in every way, Hidden Forest boasts a state and national award-winning PTA and parent volunteer program, a supportive community, parents who value excellence in education, and teachers and staff committed to the highest standard of performance. Our Campus Improvement Council develops performance objectives and assists the principal with site-based decisions that affect both teachers and students. It is composed of administrators, district and campus staff, teachers, parents, and business and community representatives.

  • What's Happening in the Forest

Upcoming Events

students working together

    Find Your Student's Teacher

    Our school is committed to engaging all stakeholders in the education of our children. Only when we build strong relationships with teachers can we best meet the needs of each and every student.

    Each teacher on this campus is a dedicated professional in their field committed to work with parents, students, and the community. Each of us will provide you with the information and help that you require. 

    Teacher Directory
  • Parent FAQs

  • Agenda Books

  • Birthdays

  • Drop-Off & Pick-Up Times

  • Breakfast & Lunch

  • Get Involved

    We know that parents and family members play an important role in the success of their students. We want to help you stay engaged in the academic process and connected to the university. If you’re just joining our community as a parent of a new student, please visit our parents and families orientation page (see quick links) to get started.

  • Volunteer Program

    The Volunteer Program is the bridge between our community and the best interests of the students in the North East Independent School District. Our goal is to help students gain the academic skills and the self-confidence necessary to become successful learners while reaching their fullest potential in the community.

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  • Mentor Program

    The NEISD Partners in Education (PIE) Mentor Program is designed to organize assistance for our at-risk students. Our goal is to provide students with an opportunity to interact with positive adult role models who will encourage and motivate students to succeed in school.

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  • RootEd

    RootEd is a parent-led, grassroots organization that promotes neighborhood public schools through storytelling, advocacy, and education. We believe a strong public school system for all children creates a robust economic and well-connected community.

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