- Serna Elementary School
- Welcome

Phone: 210-407-7200
Degrees and Certifications:
DEGREES: BS-Interdisciplinary Studies MEd-Educational Technology & Curriculum and Instruction PhD-Special Education, Focus: Autism CERTIFICATIONS: EC-4 Generalist EC-12 Special Education EC-12 ESL Reading Academy: Science of Reading
Dr. Jennifer De La Cruz
My name is Jennifer De La Cruz. I am excited to be apart of the amazing Early Childhood group at Serna Elementary! I started teaching in 2007 in the wonderful world of PreK. Since then, I have taught: PreK, 3s and 4s HeadStart, PPCD, Lifeskills elementary, Lifeskills secondary, Behavior, 3rd, 4th, and lifeskills behavior - whoo! I love to learn and I love watching and helping others learn.
I hold a bachelors and master’s degree from Texas State University & I have my PhD from Walden University online.
In elementary school, I was labeled as learning disabled for both reading and math and was placed in CMC (content mastery classes) as well as getting speech services. In middle school I was placed on OHI for cancer (leukemia) and during that time (I had 3 years of chemo) they also labeled me as high functioning autistic - removing the learning disabled label. In high school, I went to do the assessment of what you'll become in life. My counselor informed me that I was "too stupid" to become what I aspired to be (an architect) due to me academic struggles from my disabilities and my cancer (I missed school often). At that point I was determined to be a teacher to stop the stigmatization of differently-abled people.
Since then, I have been a runner-up for HEB's Excellence in Education, I have been teacher of the year once, and teacher of the month twice. I also was the Texas National Guard Spouse of the Year twice, something I am very proud of due to my family's long background with military service.
My favorite colors are pink, yellow, and sparkles. My favorite shows/movies are Star Trek. I am happily married to my wonderful husband and together we have 5 lovely furr-babies, 3 cats and 2 dogs.
"Education is an act of love, and thus an act of courage." -Paulo Freire