Jacqueline Vivar, 12th Grade
Animal Science & Plant Science Pathways“Throughout my time in this program I have been able to compete on different judging teams, speaking events and shown different animals. I have learned technical skills such as making floral arrangements, and learning the basics of welding. Though those technical skills are helpful, the best skills that this program has given me are the soft skills that not many people think about, such as time management, problem solving skills, and effective communication. The more involved I have become in this program the more ingrained these skills have become into my character.
Coming from a more rough background and being in the foster system, I didn't have many role models growing up, but this program and the teachers in it have been a role model for me when I needed it most. It has taught me the importance of integrity, responsibility and perseverance through adversity, and without the agriscience magnet program, I can confidently say that I wouldn't have these traits if I were not enrolled here in 2020. This program sets up an environment in which the passion for agriculture is contagious. I had no intentions of going to college prior to my attendance here. Now I am happy to say that I will be attending West Texas A&M University in the fall, with the intention of becoming an Ag. Teacher in order to provide students with the same experience that I was given in this program. Although I am still growing up and in the process of learning who I am as a person, FFA has truly laid the foundation for who I am. I learned that I am passionate about an industry that feeds America and I want to be able to share the knowledge that I have gained here with anyone and everyone who is willing to listen.”
Luke Anderson, 12th Grade
Food Science & Plant Science Pathways“The Agriscience Magnet Program has been a cornerstone in my educational career here in the NEISD, and has allowed me to discover passions in agriculture that I would have never found in another school. The leadership, career, and educational training I have received from the best teachers in the field, has been second to none. As I am finishing up my fourth year, I feel much more prepared to take on college and life. The skills I have developed and the experiences that I have been a part of have played a monumental role in preparing me for a future career. The AMP program has changed my life, and if I had to do high school all over again, AMP would be my first pick.”
AMP Alumni
Ember Reyes, Class of 2021
Animal Science Pathway“The Agriscience Magnet Program (AMP), was a decision 8th grader me wrestled with; however, after joining the program, it was one of the best decisions I have made. To this day, I still discover the growth and benefits the program instilled in me. The advisors, staff, and teachers were constantly working behind the scenes to pour into their students both professionally and personally. After traveling the state of Texas as the 2021-2022 Texas FFA President and visiting 200+ FFA programs, the opportunities and industry diversity within AMP is unheard of. AMP gave me the people, experiences, opportunities, and expanded passions that I needed to not just walk down my professional path, but also to be the person I am today. With all of the long days, late nights, and adventurous memories, the Agriscience Magnet Program taught me what it means to have a community. It is one of the greatest selfless programs I have experienced.”
Brittany Bowman, Class of 2009
Plant Science Pathway“I can truly say I am who I am today because of the AMP program. It created a passion for the agriculture industry that I have been lucky enough to bring back to Madison and pass on to my students. I learned to work hard, set goals, work on a team, and advocate for myself and others. This program allowed me to learn and grow and it has been so rewarding being back after all these years. Not only have I enjoyed building relationships with my new teaching partners, but I have been given the rare gift of working alongside some of my previous ag teachers and fellow Madison grads.”
Katherine Dalton, Class of 2006
“For most of my life I knew that I wanted to be a teacher. When I was young, I thought I might want to be a math teacher. As a pre-teen, I thought that I would definitely be a band director. Finally… high school rolled around, I got enrolled in agriculture classes with the Agriscience Magnet Program at James Madison and I finally found what I really wanted to do. I wanted to be an AG teacher!
From the classroom to the extra-curricular experiences, no words can truly encompass what the Agriscience Magnet Program has done for me as a person. It was because of the things I learned, the experiences I had, how the teachers cared, and the way being a part of the AMP just seemed cool and fun that I found a lifelong passion… learning and teaching agriculture.”
Katelyn Franck, Class of 2014
Animal Science Pathway"I joined the AMP program as a transfer student, from the suburbs of San Antonio, from a family with no agriculture ties. I had a strong passion for animal science with the goal of becoming a veterinarian. Had it not been for this program, I would’ve never had the opportunity to raise market goats and commercial steers.
This hands-on livestock experience allowed me to jump right into my animal science labs in college and immerse myself in research as a freshman. Most of the projects I worked on required livestock handling/feeding experience which I had because of AMP. Competing in LDE events taught me how to present myself, interview and public speak! I participated in a number of CDE teams, including the veterinary science CDE team where my team won nationals in 2013.
With the support of AMP teachers I was able to be successful in a number of competitions and earn myself large amounts of scholarship money for college. One of my AMP teachers even helped me get a job at a local veterinary hospital where I continued to work for 5 years into college.
My career path ultimately led me to medical school, and I continued using skills I started to develop in high school in my career today. It’s been a full circle experience as I am able to treat patients in my hometown, some of whom are part of the Madison community. The AMP program had a significant impact on my life and career trajectory which set me up for success allowing me to achieve my dream job of being a doctor. I am forever grateful to the AMP program for setting me up for success, from a young age and providing me with a fantastic high school experience."
Hear from AMP Parents
Katina Wright, AMP Parent
Applied Agricultural Engineering, Plant Science, and Animal Science Pathways“The AMP has been a foundational part of our family for the past fourteen years. Four of our six children (two are future AMP students) have participated in countless agricultural opportunities that have helped shape them as young adults, showed them responsibility, the meaning of commitment, and ultimately have aided in their post high school success.
The lessons from each of their agriculture experiences didn’t always come in their accomplishments, but rather the failures that helped push them to work harder, ask questions, and learn to problem solve in life. Often they had to sacrifice some of the normal kid events to feed, clean, care for a sick animal, prepare for a show, wake up crazy early and drive countless miles to a show, prepare for a team competition, drive more countless miles to compete, learn how to save a dollar, keep accurate records and financials, fill out paperwork for animals and events, perform under pressure, to celebrate wins and learn from loses, and so many more.
Agriculture students learn there are no days off for bad weather (there is far more to do to protect and care for animals on days like this), no sick days, no days of just not feeling like taking care of business. The commitment, dedication,skills and values learned in agriculture offer these young adults an advantage when they start the next chapter of life (adulting) that many kids don’t have.”
Jason Reyes, Parent
Applied Agricultural Engineering, Plant Science, and Animal Science Pathways“This program has created so many opportunities for my children and in so many different areas of their lives. As a result of taking advantage of all that AMP has to offer, my kids were able to develop skills and abilities that will enable them to positively stand out really in any career path they choose, whether that's inside or outside of agriculture. As an example, one of my daughters, by leveraging the opportunities afforded to her through the AMP program, was she was able to develop the skills and the experience to be the Texas FFA state president, where she served over 150,000 Texas FFA members and spoke before an audience that was well over 15,000 people. I mean how many high schoolers can say that they have those kinds of opportunities before they step one foot onto a college campus, let alone enter into their career.
For my other daughter utilizing the knowledge and guidance of the AMP faculty coupled with her engagement with the vast areas of involvement like teams and challenges that the AMP helped her realize an unknown skill and passion in her life. This discovery has enabled her to change her career path and she is now going to college to gain a higher education. education that will equip her to return to our community and leverage her skills in horticulture to help men and women who have served our country and our community but are now wrestling with PTSD.
And the great thing for me as a father, both of these girls will finish college with zero debt. I mean, that's huge, especially at this day and age, and this is due in large to the financial scholarships that they were able to obtain as a direct result of their time and effort within the AMP program at James Madison.
Now, my son, he's an example of someone who is benefiting from AMP in less agricultural oriented ways. He is very engineering minded, you see, and leading up to his high school years, he was engaged with the engineering magnet programs offered through NEISD. But at AMP, he is focusing more on the mechanics and trade skills like welding and mechanics or machinery so he can develop the application of those engineering skills that he had previously learned and use them in ways that are practical and are meaningful for the direction that he was looking for and wanting to go. And so he's wanting to take those skills and those abilities and leverage them along with his heavy involvement with Madison's JROTC program to pursue a career path in the military.
So whether a student is interested in something that is traditional agriculture and non-traditional agriculture or just wants to develop some life and career skills that are applicable in any job, I can say with confidence that the James Madison AMP program offers opportunity in all these areas for students who are willing to go after them and take advantage of the opportunities presented to them.”