- Huebner Elementary School
- Free Educational Websites
1. Fun Brain- www.funbrain.com
Play games while practicing math and reading skills!
2. Nat GEO for Kids- www.kids.nationalgeographic.com
Learn all about geography and fascinating animals!
3. PBS Kids- www.pbskids.org
Hang out with your favorite characters all while learning!
4. Star Fall- www.starfall.com
Practice your phonics skills with these read-along stories!
5. Seussville- www.seussville.com
Read, play games, and hang out with Dr. Seuss and his friends!
6. Storyline Online- www.storylineonline.net
Have some of your favorite stories read to you by movie stars!
7. ABCya- www.abcya.com
Practice math and reading skills all while playing fun games!
8. Highlights Kids- www.highlightskids.com
Read, play games, and conduct cool science experiments!