• Grading Policy: Kindergarten (Skills & Conduct)

    • 1 = Student is unable to exhibit skill even with direct guidance. Additional instruction is needed.

      2 = Student exhibits skill with minimal guidance. Reinforcement needed.

      3 = Student exhibits skills independently and consistently.

      4 = Student understanding goes beyond grade level expectation.


    Grading Policy: 1st-5th Grade

    • E= Achievement is excellent

      • Student consistently demonstrates mastery of TEKS and NEISD Standards exceeding grade-level expectations
      • Student puts forth maximum effort, demonstrates self-motivation in meeting learning objectives
      • Student has above-average grades on written work, where appropriate

      S= Achievement is satisfactory

      • Student demonstrates mastery of TEKS and NEISD Standards at grade-level
      • Student puts forth expected effort, with minimal redirection to meet learning objectives
      • Student has average grades on written work, where appropriate

      N= Achievement needs improvement

      • Student performs below standard expectations (student satisfies less than 70% of TEKS and NEISD Standards)
      • Student puts forth minimal effort
      • Student has below average grades on written work, where appropriate


      *Parents--In Parent Portal, music grades are shown as a numeric grade. This is not a true representation of the grading that is done during class. I enter the grades as an alpha grade, and this is how they are shown on the report cards. If you have a concern about your child's grade, please feel free to contact me.


      • How does the numeric grade assigned in parent portal transfer to the final report card?

        E = 95

        S = 85

        N = 75

        U = 65


      Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills: Music