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Fiesta at the Castle

On Wednesday, students will celebrate Fiesta by participating in our Float Parade followed by our visit from King Antonio. Parents are welcome to attend the float parade (approx. 1:20pm) outside in our front walkway area. The students who bring floats will follow the sidewalk that starts on the Honeysuckle Rd side of the building, down the middle walkway, and back into the campus on the other side. We request students not be picked up early if possible, as we will be quickly returning back into campus, packing up, and then preparing for our King Antonio visit.

 Sorry parents, no visitors allowed for the King Antonio visit. The main parking lot will be blocked off after our float parade to ensure King Antonio and his caravan have access to our school and will reopen upon their departure from our campus.

Don't forget Friday is a staff/student holiday in observance of Battle of Flowers Parade. Enjoy your 3 day weekend and VIVA FIESTA!