Campus Policies & Procedures
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
School Hours:
7:30 AM - 2:45 PM
Early Release:
7:30 AM - 12:30 PM7:00 AM: Students can begin to arrive.Arrival Procedures: Parents must remain in their vehicles and drop off students in the drop-off lanes.
Pull all the way down to the first spot. Do NOT stop by the front door. Traffic backs up quickly and it is frustrating for other parents when cars do not pull to the first spot.
Parents may not congregate outside the school building.
7:40 AM: Tardy BellStudents are tardy if not in the building by 7:40 A.M. A parent must accompany students to the front office and sign them in if they arrive after 7:40 A.M.
9:30 AM: Attendance2:45 PM: Dismissal & Pick-upAfternoon Dismissal Procedure: Parents must remain in their vehicles and use the pick-up lanes.
Cars must have car rider tag visible. If you forget your card, you will need to go to the front office with your picture ID to get a new one. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE, even if our staff knows/recognizes you.
These procedures will be in place all year for the safety of our students. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Meal Times
11:30 AM: Lunch (Grades 1-3)12:25 PM: Lunch (Grades 4-5) -
Dress Code
Encino Park Elementary follows the district's standardized dress code.
Backpacks | Costumes | Dresses | Hair | Hats | Leggings | Pants | Shirts | Shorts | Shoes | Skirts | Undergarments
Halter tops, exposed midriffs, strapless and/or low cut tops that expose breasts or cleavage, exposed backs, spaghetti straps, and see-through clothing are not permitted.
Sleeveless Shirts
Tanks/sleeveless shirts will be prohibited unless the width of the shirt’s shoulder is at least two (2) inches wide. Sheer clothing is prohibited unless the undershirt’s shoulder width is at least two (2) inches wide. Oversized armholes/jersey-type tanks are not permitted without a sleeved undershirt.
Pants shall be worn securely at the waist. Sagging is prohibited. Excessively worn, torn, frayed, oversized, or long clothing is not permitted.
Pants/leggings that are made of spandex or similar material must have an item of clothing worn over the material that completely covers the student’s front and back to the length of the student’s bottom to ensure modesty.
Shorts will be permitted provided that the shorts are neatly hemmed, conservative, and modest in appearance. Campus administration will determine the appropriate length. Bicycle shorts and form-fitting and skin-tight shorts or pants of spandex or other similar materials worn alone are prohibited.
Dresses & Skirts
Dresses, skirts, skorts, and split skirts will be permitted provided that they are neatly hemmed, conservative, and modest in appearance. Campus administration will determine the appropriate length. Excessively high slits in skirts and tight spandex will not be permitted.
Undergarments shall not be visible or exposed.
Costumes of any type are prohibited.
Hairstyles that are considered to be distracting and/or disruptive to the educational environment are prohibited.
Hats, hoods on hooded sweatshirts, shirts, and jackets may not be worn during instructional time, passing periods, or while in the building.
Appropriate footwear is required. Footwear that has toes and/or soles reinforced with steel, hard plastic or similar materials is prohibited. Footwear with wheels is prohibited.
Lanyards with inappropriate advertising, pictures, symbols or statements that are offensive or inflammatory are prohibited.
Backpacks must not detract from or interfere with the learning environment or present a safety or health hazard.
Any apparel or attire that is considered to be distracting and/or disruptive to the educational environment. (ex. pajamas, house shoes) or is considered a safety concern is prohibited.
Symbols and Styles
Any symbols or styles that are identified with inappropriate advertising or statements that are offensive or inflammatory, including, but not limited to, alcoholic beverages, profanity, sex, tobacco, drugs, gangs, guns and other weapons, excessively violent or gory imagery, and the promotion of violence, are prohibited.
For additional information, please consult the NEISD Elementary School Student / Parent Handbook.
For more information, contact our Data Clerk.
We would love to have you join the Eagles family! For more information about enrollment, transfers, withdraws, required documents, and pre-kindergarten eligibility requirements, see the district Registration page.
Title IX
The North East ISD prohibits discrimination, including harassment, against any student or employee on the basis of sex. All students have a right to participate in District educational programs and school-related activities free from all forms of retaliation sexual harassment, and dating violence. Retaliation against anyone involved in the complaint process is a violation of District policy and is prohibited. For more information regarding Title IX see the NEISD Board Policies and Administrative Regulations regarding FFH, Student Welfare–Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation.