- Olmos Elementary School
- Welcome
About Teacher

Phone: (210) 407-6000
Degrees and Certifications:
EC-6th Bilingual Generalist
Mrs. Noelli Saldivar
Hello, my name is Noelli Saldivar. I graduated from the University of Texas at San Antonio in December 2010. I graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Bilingual Education. I first started working for Harlandale ISD, I taught there for three years. I taught first grade for one year and fifth grade for two years. This is my eleventh year teaching at Olmos Elementary School. I love teaching, I enjoy working with children and giving them the best of me to help them grow emotionally and academically. I truly look forward to working with my new students and making this a year to remember!
Hola mi nombre es Noellí Saldívar. Yo me gradué de la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio en diciembre del 2010. Recibí mi certificado en educación bilingüe. Comencé a trabajar como maestra en el distrito escolar de Harlandale. Allí trabajé tres años, uno como maestra de primer grado y dos como maestra de quinto. Este es mi onceavo año trabajando en la escuela Olmos. Me encanta mi trabajo. Pienso que hay muy pocas cosas en la vida que son tan gratificantes como trabajar con niños y ayudarlos a crecer emocional y académicamente. Espero que este año escolar sea increíble para todos mis estudiantes.
Class Annoucements
Class Schedule
Mrs. Saldivar's 3rd Grade Schedule
7:25 Pick up students from the gym
7:25-7:35 1st Recess
7:35-7:40 Walk to class and switch classes with Ms. Parra
7:40-9:10 Math (Block 1)
9:10-9:50 Science (Block 1)
9:50-9:55 Switch
9:55-11:25 Math (Block 2)
11:25-12:05 Science (Block 2)
12:10-12:40 Lunch
12:50-1:40 Specials (PE, Music or Smarte)
1:40-2:00 2nd Recess
2:00-2:35 Social Studies/ Small Group
2:35-2:45 Dismissal