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- Harris Middle School
- Boys Athletics
Basketball Information
Boy's Basketball Tryouts will be on Monday, October 31st:
8th Grade tryouts are before school from 6:30-8:00 AM and 7th Grade will tryout after school from 4:00-5:30 PM.
*Every athlete must have a physical from a doctor on file with Coach Osterman (8th) or Coach Reichling (7th) in order to participate. Players must also have medical history and online forms completed from
Wear your PE/athletics clothes to tryout.
Athletes & Parents, please follow us on SportsYou app for BBall information.
- 7th Grade Access Code:
- 8th Grade Access Code: JH5D3HED
Meet the Coaches
2023 -24 Harris Basketball Coaches
7th Grade - Coach Reichling (A Team), Coach Martinez (B Team), Coach Adams (GO Team)
8th Grade - Coach Osterman (A Team), Coach Creighton (B Team), Coach Rodriguez (GO Team)